Non t'arrabbiare..............
This is one of the first games that we taught to Peter, but unfortunately we have always found small bases until I happened on a scheme of Malinmalin.
Now we have a nice base color to play during the long winter afternoons! I'm so 'happy with the result that I took a picture before he had ironed everything!
For those wishing to experiment with the game here is a bit of history and its rules of wikipedia.
The game was created in Monaco
by Josef Friedrich Schmidt in the winter between 1907 and 1908, taking a cue from the Indian and English
Pachisi Ludo . The game, in production since 1914
, has sold over 70 million copies and currently sells about 100,000 units per year. Germany is considered the most popular. The rules have not changed since 1914, but there are variants under other names. At first the game had little success, but during World War I, Schmidt I sent 3000 pieces to military hospitals, to spend time with wounded soldiers. This promoted through word of mouth to spread the game, which in 1920 reached milione di esemplari venduti a 35
Pfennig .
Lo scopo del gioco, è di far procedere i propri segnalini dalla casabase fino alla propria base di arrivo, procedendo lungo un percorso fatto di caselle in senso orario, in ragione dei punti ottenuti lanciando un dado. La peculiarità del gioco, dalla quale nasce il nome, è quella di poter "mangiare" un segnalino avversario, per costringere il giocatore a ricominciare, provocando in genere una reazione innervosita. Il gioco si compone di una base fatta di cartone, nei cui angoli si trovano le 4 casebasi di diverso colore (6 girando la base), 4 segnalini per giocatore dello stesso colore della casabase e un dado , numerato da 1 a 6.
After placing markers on their casebasi you can start: A player at a time, roll the die clockwise. To start the course we get a 6, this gives the right and obligation to place a marker on its starting square, located on the right and the same color. 6 also gives the right to re-launch of the nut, which will result in moving the marker along the route clockwise. If you have multiple tokens in the game you can use the 6 to move one and the next launch to move another. You can not break down the results of a single launch. If you rolled the dice you get 6 and you still have tokens in casabase, you must place on a square one, even if proceeding with another one could "eat" an opponent. Apart from this exception, when you get a score that allows one of our counters to eat another one (coming on the same box), you are obliged to do so, even if it would support moves another. If a player does not observe this rule, for distraction, the opponents may decide which of the counters should return to casabase, excluding those already on the basis of arrival. A player wins when the first four places the markers on the basis of arrival, hitting the right points with the dice to move them in order.