I head to the small station, buy a ticket and climb. The journey is not very long but I carry with me a booklet, entitled "The Secret". I do not want to read, I'm anxious, I wonder if I'm doing the right thing? People passing glances at me, almost surprised to find there. In fact has nothing to do with these clothes awkwardly commuters, women, too much makeup or too little, guys with heavy backpacks and torn, small children standing, looking lost and his hand to his mother. I am a beautiful woman, elegant, but not classic, clean air and sunlight and never take the treno.Arrivo Termini, a walk, the meeting place is not very far. It smells of oriental food, lots of fried onions, it takes me a slight nausea, you who are fasting. I always go to water the day dopo.Il number 66, toh, look, reminds me of something. A great nineteenth-century doorway looking at me bad, uncomfortable. I scan the telephone, nothing. I was wrong, was the 66 / a. In front of me a narrow staircase that descends into the underground, sleazy, the thought is obvious. Looking around for someone who can help me understand if they are in the right place, but nobody seems to notice me, if I were transparent. A woman is serving coffee from a thermos, another is composing a tray of pastries, a young couple talking in a low voice, leaning the wall. Seeking
handles reading the flyers on the wall ... ... the Ten Steps to repeat every day, such as prayer. Oh God! I ended up in the middle of a bunch of nerds and even Catholic moralists! I decide and wonder. Un'arcigna lady assures me that are in place, the meeting is about to begin. I understand now that there are rituals to be met, sect. The situation I like less and less. The speaker announced the beginning, she is sullen. "Let us all in a circle and recite the prayer secular ... God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can, the wisdom to know the difference." Then all sat
: “Maria, alcolista, oratore della serata, oggi abbiamo dei nuovi amici, con nuove storie da raccontare, ascoltiamoli…”. A turno si presentano, “ciao sono Paolo alcolista…. Barbara… alcolista, Rosa… alcolista…” tocca a me, “Elisa… punto!” Mi guardano tutti, ma come non sono una di loro? Colgo lo stupore e aggiungo…”scusate sono nuova, vorrei prima capire”.“Il primo passo per risolvere un problema è ammettere di avercelo!” Risponde la donna arcigna. Si, è vero, infatti, sono qui, anche se continuo ad avere dei dubbi, stronza.È vero che ho un problema, ma mi dai il tempo di digerirlo e di fare delle considerazioni!Non I do and I listen to depressing. I learned that teachers do not always fit in with what they teach, what is important is that you can understand and do yours. The stories are horrific, excruciating, real stories, real desperate, who have also lost the last train of life. The speaker is someone who has done it, who has won, is a son of God would be all speakers.
In this cellar, without windows, I see their faces marked, many will sit this evening, once again, in front of their dear friend and comforting, the bottle and nothing else. I'm impressed, shocked, m'immedesimo, it saddens me, as usual, I rebel. In this bleak landscape, I wonder what right I'm here to judge, while acknowledging the similarities with my story. I have not yet fallen into this hell with no return, it is still my choice, free will. Pass the word, I do not feel. I am conscious that few of them succeed. I'll be back at the station, the same way, the same sickening smell of onions the same ... nausea ... a paracetamol and tomorrow we'll see.