Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Ladies Zipped Bath Robes


I take courage. My friend was anxious to go get the girls to school, my husband had arranged the dinner ... okay. "Mamma, mamma, but where are you going today?". "Mom goes to a literary circle, a meeting of artists who read poems and stories, I'm going to hear some good stories." They accept it, even if Mom never strays from them, but mom also a bit 'strange sometimes!
I head to the small station, buy a ticket and climb. The journey is not very long but I carry with me a booklet, entitled "The Secret". I do not want to read, I'm anxious, I wonder if I'm doing the right thing? People passing glances at me, almost surprised to find there. In fact has nothing to do with these clothes awkwardly commuters, women, too much makeup or too little, guys with heavy backpacks and torn, small children standing, looking lost and his hand to his mother. I am a beautiful woman, elegant, but not classic, clean air and sunlight and never take the treno.Arrivo Termini, a walk, the meeting place is not very far. It smells of oriental food, lots of fried onions, it takes me a slight nausea, you who are fasting. I always go to water the day dopo.Il number 66, toh, look, reminds me of something. A great nineteenth-century doorway looking at me bad, uncomfortable. I scan the telephone, nothing. I was wrong, was the 66 / a. In front of me a narrow staircase that descends into the underground, sleazy, the thought is obvious. Looking around for someone who can help me understand if they are in the right place, but nobody seems to notice me, if I were transparent. A woman is serving coffee from a thermos, another is composing a tray of pastries, a young couple talking in a low voice, leaning the wall. Seeking
handles reading the flyers on the wall ... ... the Ten Steps to repeat every day, such as prayer. Oh God! I ended up in the middle of a bunch of nerds and even Catholic moralists! I decide and wonder. Un'arcigna lady assures me that are in place, the meeting is about to begin. I understand now that there are rituals to be met, sect. The situation I like less and less. The speaker announced the beginning, she is sullen. "Let us all in a circle and recite the prayer secular ... God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, courage to change the things I can, the wisdom to know the difference." Then all sat
: “Maria, alcolista, oratore della serata, oggi abbiamo dei nuovi amici, con nuove storie da raccontare, ascoltiamoli…”. A turno si presentano, “ciao sono Paolo alcolista…. Barbara… alcolista, Rosa… alcolista…” tocca a me, “Elisa… punto!” Mi guardano tutti, ma come non sono una di loro? Colgo lo stupore e aggiungo…”scusate sono nuova, vorrei prima capire”.“Il primo passo per risolvere un problema è ammettere di avercelo!” Risponde la donna arcigna. Si, è vero, infatti, sono qui, anche se continuo ad avere dei dubbi, stronza.È vero che ho un problema, ma mi dai il tempo di digerirlo e di fare delle considerazioni!Non I do and I listen to depressing. I learned that teachers do not always fit in with what they teach, what is important is that you can understand and do yours. The stories are horrific, excruciating, real stories, real desperate, who have also lost the last train of life. The speaker is someone who has done it, who has won, is a son of God would be all speakers.
In this cellar, without windows, I see their faces marked, many will sit this evening, once again, in front of their dear friend and comforting, the bottle and nothing else. I'm impressed, shocked, m'immedesimo, it saddens me, as usual, I rebel. In this bleak landscape, I wonder what right I'm here to judge, while acknowledging the similarities with my story. I have not yet fallen into this hell with no return, it is still my choice, free will. Pass the word, I do not feel. I am conscious that few of them succeed. I'll be back at the station, the same way, the same sickening smell of onions the same ... nausea ... a paracetamol and tomorrow we'll see.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Customize Own Wrestling Singlet


Ancient poem exalting the deeds of sexually precocious creature that, once satisfied, and before that back together, "he said with a tense, 'I got it! I took' ! (Without however, specify where). The lively


had TRAL 'beautiful breasts

flying surprised

nice gentle Falletto

and all jolly

squeezing live

shouted to him tense

"L 'I got it!, I got it! "

She begged

the afflicted cried

"Enjoying, sweeping,

that evil will I do?"

You're hurting me so

strix blades.

Ah, leave me: I am

Part of God "

Confused, sorry,

Marisa blushed

opened her fingers and the

veni. (poetic license)

Sunday, December 16, 2007

What Materials Keep Coffee Warm?

Love, that exempts no one beloved from loving

" Amor, ch ' the gentle heart doth swiftly seize, Seized this man

the beautiful person that was taken from me and offends me so much.

Love, that exempts no one beloved from loving,
I took delight in him so strongly,
that, as you see, it does not leave me.

Love led us to one death.
Caina awaits him who quenched our life.

These words from them to us. "

Dante Alighieri's Inferno Canto V

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Would Blood Work Show Signs Of Hiv


The door opened. The actor accompanied her to the buffet, grabbed a hand and a gravy boat poured her a spoonful of white powder, the other of vodka. The euphoria did not take long. A woman asked her to follow her. A long corridor and was invited to enter. In the bedroom in the shadows, the actor and the host, sitting next to an antique lamp, they would just look at it. The woman kissed her mouth and slowly pulled down the zipper of the dress, chosen only too well. In a split second his thoughts s'impastarono, a bit 'like language, and found herself naked. The woman took her slowly toward the bed, brought by the hand like a little bad girl. The woman took off her clothes, pulled out of the drawer scary-looking objects and various ointments. The woman began to wash his tongue, the two men took out their genders careful. The woman touched and explored the spaces with your fingers. The pleasure began to climb up, confused by his alcoholic wafted. The two men writhing. The time trapped in this hellish circle beautifully. One of them got up and stood by. His penis appeared so close that he could lick it, only the distance of a language. Elisa could not resist. He put his lips and bestowed his gift, quivering, excited by his excitement and woman, simulating the penetration oral sex with a big rubber. In a moment Elisa found his taste in your mouth, leaking and purifier. The other man, too, dazed and exhausted in his chair. Elisa dressed, took a handful of white powder, put it in his pocket and walked. It was nearly four o'clock in the morning. The lights of the city flowed silently out the window. He put his hand in his pocket to his nice suit and dummy fingers ... smiling.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Applicant Hotline Funny

drift and derivatives

If you let yourself drift, you may find that you like ... like ... I fall down ... abandoned to an unknown voice ... that makes you tremble with pleasure, for the pleasure of guilt ... that there is not! The fear of the forbidden game, it's nothing more than an image created by your mind, nothing more innocent, natural, harmless ... painless. It 's like a dream that floats into your mind, which jealously guard your secrets. No one can profane, if not the very image you're projecting.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Cake Ideas For The Gators

the "real" Cinderella Syndrome

in raising and educating their children must make choices: what schools do, which environments to attend, friends, extracurricular activities, sports, leisure, and to direct their boyfriends ... to the positive input. The tales have helped, unconsciously and not to create a future in the psyche of young women, our daughters, dynamic "programmed". These are very noticeable, but they create big problems, as you read ... ...

the "real" Cinderella Syndrome

We all know the tale of Cinderella, the story of a beautiful girl poor, unloved by his stepmother, a rich noble woman with two daughters acidic, forced to the maid, dreaming of the arrival of the handsome Prince Charming with his white horse, who rescues from a life of humiliation and sacrifices and to live happily forever. Psychology defines common then, the frantic search of a handsome, rich and strong, the girls of today and yesterday, as the Cinderella Syndrome. One girl, however much education, material and spiritual independence may have, and looking around, looking for a man, a boyfriend, moved from its physiological hormonal storm, would be led, according to the modern interpretation of the story, a real disease own. Could be, although I find this report very questionable, but that's not that I want to argue.

The tale continues with the intervention of a fairy (apparently) a good, holding compassion, gives the chance to win Cinderella Prince Charming, turning his old rags in a sumptuous dress, complete with glass slippers, the Mice with whom he shared the attic, in beautiful white horses and a pumpkin trivial, in a princely gilded carriage. So far so good, the author .... shows a great fantasy and imagination. The story continues with the Fairy, performed a spectacular magic and contented Cinderella, put it's dictums: "All this is yours, you can meet and make you fall in love with the Prince, but only until midnight, after which you return to home, because the spell will end and everything will be as before! "

At this point I realized what the story has always been the Cinderella Syndrome Vera, what has really tormented generations of children before, young women who have been and will continue to do so, until you take collective awareness of the subliminal message implied in the story. True Syndrome and midnight, is the limit, it is the dictates, that if not complied with this invalidates all the privileges, confidence, freedom, takes you back to a prisoner, the slave of your world, to see what you really are. A young woman, so permission to go out at night, he could do better, to show off her best dress, use the luxury car of Dad, but should return soon, because otherwise it becomes a no-good, un'inaffidabile an irresponsible person who disobeys orders, capable of getting into trouble. Lacking this appointment, the trust will terminate the parent and, consequently, many privileges, among which the most important, to live believing a real princess. It 's the limit imposed on women by social always masked by falsely loving need for protection of man, created only to limit their freedom to perpetrate his submission. The time limit makes living with anxiety all night, the feel of a fairy-tale time, will end soon and everything will return to the banality and boredom of everyday life! How to meet this midnight run, how much is anxious to get back in time, not to lose the privilege, though for a few hours, to feel different, independent woman, beautiful and important as a princess! In the fairy tale Cinderella also
, at the stroke of midnight, he runs like a desperate down the stairs, terrified to show itself and the real life you lead, so that even losing a shoe. The shoe is symbolic, is a trace of itself, a cell phone number, a gift, a scarf forgotten, to be searched and found later.

The tale is, therefore, a syndrome far more serious. Young girls lack basic safety and self-confidence, but it is not just a matter of growth. The internal evolution of a young woman is not only making the years, even with this older, but with the freedom of life itself, with space and time that is granted. One is a good Fairy parent who teaches how to live consciously and according to his conscience, otherwise it is a fairy "apparently" good. I, as a woman, I consider myself lucky because I could enjoy the illumination of my good fairies, which, fortunately, a little girl I have ever read the tale of Cinderella.

Government Car Auction In N. B>

The eighth deadly sin

In the Buddhist religion are called "illusions" that we must move away to cleanse his karma, and continue to be reincarnated in another human being and animal, until they reach, thanks to the practice of Dharma, of complete enlightenment. In the Catholic religion are "seven deadly sins", that we must avoid if you do not want to live our eternity in Hell, instead, following the precepts of the church, we should be able to pass peacefully in Heaven. These are: Ira
(easily let go of the rage)
Sloth (laziness, idleness, the lack of enthusiasm, but originally meant apathy, an indifference towards others and towards life)
Lust (who is addicted and under the thumb of sexual relations)
Avarice (lack of generosity, one who is stingy, but originally meant the tendency to accumulate excessive and unjustified, hoarding)
Gola (who surrenders and goes beyond the pleasures of the table)
Envy (unhealthy desire to who owns what, property or circumstances of their best)
Pride (who stands in clear superiority over the others, by weighing the importance of your situation)
course for me are not all . It is missing one, the most important because the most terrible, able to unleash all other sects, often all at once! The eighth deadly sin is love, that awful feeling out of control, which is unleashed in the most unexpected moments, that makes you stupid, become another, losing control, that makes you do things the most improbable and insane, you loose lust, at first, then envy, anger, tickles pride, sloth, avarice when we quarrel, sometimes the throat because you're too happy or too sad, in short, a feeling, a defect that reduces you to ashes, as it has reduced the city of Troy then because of the love between Paris and the beautiful Helen manly!

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

14 Year Old First Time Audition


-you make me whirl like a top ... I ... Hey! But not too much though! -
-Me you asked you! -
-Yes, but not so strong, I feel like throwing up ... - But slower-
no fun ... see ... if you go to slow down your speed! -
-Yes, like I'm free! -
"Then what would? Why waste time ... catch you -
-I should not have to give, because it starts to hurt a limb! -
Ah, ah ... and how would you have done? I'm bigger and bigger than you! -
-I know, I told about your pain ... -
-In what sense? -
-Si .. pity me, sorry for me, so small and helpless ... -
-I do not like you suck, I suck! -
-Indeed, but I've done wrong? -
-Nothing, I just want to play and now you are my game. And then you agreed at the beginning, not! -
-I did not know what was the game for you. Ah, you're hurting me ... by Molly! -
No, stronger, stronger running ... more higher! ... zoom ... zoom ... figooo! ... ZAC! -
-What happened?! -

The child wraps the wire and the end, where he had tied the beetle ... is only his paw!

Sympathy Quotes For The Loss Of A Father


Dialogue Daniela Rindi

- Yesterday I died six months of a baby in her arms ... -
- What? ... -
I said, turning around toward the unknown girl next to me. We were both resting on a concrete railing, smoking .
-Yeah, you know ... so small I had never happen, do not accept it ... -
- But, as successo?-
-Stava giocando con il padre, all'improvviso ha cominciato a vomitare…è diventato bianco…e si è fermato il cuore…
Il fumo delle sigarette faceva degli strani disegni nell'aria tersa del mattino, la città sotto di noi si stava svegliando .
- Ma stava già male?-
- Aveva avuto un intervento al cuore appena nato, ma era andato tutto bene dopo…-
- Uno si augura di non vivere mai queste cose…-
Un orrendo luogo comune mi uscii da questa boccaccia! La ragazza dai capelli nero corvino, con occhi grandi umidi, però, continuò concentrata, come per togliersi un masso dal cuore .
- Quando ti succedono queste cose, you bring them in for a long time '... breathe ... until I-
- Are you a doctor? -
- No nurse, working at Tor Vergata, department, ICU-
- Oh, I see ... you'll see all of the color?! -
exclaimed with a smile, to defuse .
- Yes ... but not this ... -
Should I cut this language! So much bullshit out! What the heck ... even she is telling me what? But who has ever seen? Then, as if he had read my mind ...
- I should not tell you these things ... I'm sorry the outburst was a bad night ... but what are you doing over here at five in the morning?
- I insomnia ... not being at home watching the TV all night, or worse, put me to iron, I come up here and admire the view. It 'beautiful!
- And you? - I asked.
- I did the night ... I was driving home, I live on the third floor-
- I last, and we never met! -
- You have a beautiful view from there too? -
For the first time I smiled.
- Yes, but home is not the same thing ... and then risk waking up the family!
- Already the family ... -
laconic said again.
- Are you married, have children? -
I asked hurriedly, because I wanted to return, I began to feel a bit 'cold .
- Yeah ... - answered
- ... That child was my son ... died last night ...-
And the cold was complete. My blood froze in our veins, my heart began to make me very badly ... I closed my eyes and sighed loudly. Even the air was icy.
- I feel cold, I go down for a moment to take a blanket ... .-
- Okay ... - she said.
I walked to the door and the skylight as doubles, I turned around.
- ... You want one too? -
I looked around, moving a few steps ... gone ... no ... I fixed my gaze to the balustrade concrete from up here is ... very high
... - ... I feel cold, too, is not it ...? -