in raising and educating their children must make choices: what schools do, which environments to attend, friends, extracurricular activities, sports, leisure, and to direct their boyfriends ... to the positive input. The tales have helped, unconsciously and not to create a future in the psyche of young women, our daughters, dynamic "programmed". These are very noticeable, but they create big problems, as you read ... ...
the "real" Cinderella Syndrome
We all know the tale of Cinderella, the story of a beautiful girl poor, unloved by his stepmother, a rich noble woman with two daughters acidic, forced to the maid, dreaming of the arrival of the handsome Prince Charming with his white horse, who rescues from a life of humiliation and sacrifices and to live happily forever. Psychology defines common then, the frantic search of a handsome, rich and strong, the girls of today and yesterday, as the Cinderella Syndrome. One girl, however much education, material and spiritual independence may have, and looking around, looking for a man, a boyfriend, moved from its physiological hormonal storm, would be led, according to the modern interpretation of the story, a real disease own. Could be, although I find this report very questionable, but that's not that I want to argue.
The tale continues with the intervention of a fairy (apparently) a good, holding compassion, gives the chance to win Cinderella Prince Charming, turning his old rags in a sumptuous dress, complete with glass slippers, the Mice with whom he shared the attic, in beautiful white horses and a pumpkin trivial, in a princely gilded carriage. So far so good, the author .... shows a great fantasy and imagination. The story continues with the Fairy, performed a spectacular magic and contented Cinderella, put it's dictums: "All this is yours, you can meet and make you fall in love with the Prince, but only until midnight, after which you return to home, because the spell will end and everything will be as before! "
At this point I realized what the story has always been the Cinderella Syndrome Vera, what has really tormented generations of children before, young women who have been and will continue to do so, until you take collective awareness of the subliminal message implied in the story. True Syndrome and midnight, is the limit, it is the dictates, that if not complied with this invalidates all the privileges, confidence, freedom, takes you back to a prisoner, the slave of your world, to see what you really are. A young woman, so permission to go out at night, he could do better, to show off her best dress, use the luxury car of Dad, but should return soon, because otherwise it becomes a no-good, un'inaffidabile an irresponsible person who disobeys orders, capable of getting into trouble. Lacking this appointment, the trust will terminate the parent and, consequently, many privileges, among which the most important, to live believing a real princess. It 's the limit imposed on women by social always masked by falsely loving need for protection of man, created only to limit their freedom to perpetrate his submission. The time limit makes living with anxiety all night, the feel of a fairy-tale time, will end soon and everything will return to the banality and boredom of everyday life! How to meet this midnight run, how much is anxious to get back in time, not to lose the privilege, though for a few hours, to feel different, independent woman, beautiful and important as a princess! In the fairy tale Cinderella also
, at the stroke of midnight, he runs like a desperate down the stairs, terrified to show itself and the real life you lead, so that even losing a shoe. The shoe is symbolic, is a trace of itself, a cell phone number, a gift, a scarf forgotten, to be searched and found later.
The tale is, therefore, a syndrome far more serious. Young girls lack basic safety and self-confidence, but it is not just a matter of growth. The internal evolution of a young woman is not only making the years, even with this older, but with the freedom of life itself, with space and time that is granted. One is a good Fairy parent who teaches how to live consciously and according to his conscience, otherwise it is a fairy "apparently" good. I, as a woman, I consider myself lucky because I could enjoy the illumination of my good fairies, which, fortunately, a little girl I have ever read the tale of Cinderella.
the "real" Cinderella Syndrome
We all know the tale of Cinderella, the story of a beautiful girl poor, unloved by his stepmother, a rich noble woman with two daughters acidic, forced to the maid, dreaming of the arrival of the handsome Prince Charming with his white horse, who rescues from a life of humiliation and sacrifices and to live happily forever. Psychology defines common then, the frantic search of a handsome, rich and strong, the girls of today and yesterday, as the Cinderella Syndrome. One girl, however much education, material and spiritual independence may have, and looking around, looking for a man, a boyfriend, moved from its physiological hormonal storm, would be led, according to the modern interpretation of the story, a real disease own. Could be, although I find this report very questionable, but that's not that I want to argue.
The tale continues with the intervention of a fairy (apparently) a good, holding compassion, gives the chance to win Cinderella Prince Charming, turning his old rags in a sumptuous dress, complete with glass slippers, the Mice with whom he shared the attic, in beautiful white horses and a pumpkin trivial, in a princely gilded carriage. So far so good, the author .... shows a great fantasy and imagination. The story continues with the Fairy, performed a spectacular magic and contented Cinderella, put it's dictums: "All this is yours, you can meet and make you fall in love with the Prince, but only until midnight, after which you return to home, because the spell will end and everything will be as before! "
At this point I realized what the story has always been the Cinderella Syndrome Vera, what has really tormented generations of children before, young women who have been and will continue to do so, until you take collective awareness of the subliminal message implied in the story. True Syndrome and midnight, is the limit, it is the dictates, that if not complied with this invalidates all the privileges, confidence, freedom, takes you back to a prisoner, the slave of your world, to see what you really are. A young woman, so permission to go out at night, he could do better, to show off her best dress, use the luxury car of Dad, but should return soon, because otherwise it becomes a no-good, un'inaffidabile an irresponsible person who disobeys orders, capable of getting into trouble. Lacking this appointment, the trust will terminate the parent and, consequently, many privileges, among which the most important, to live believing a real princess. It 's the limit imposed on women by social always masked by falsely loving need for protection of man, created only to limit their freedom to perpetrate his submission. The time limit makes living with anxiety all night, the feel of a fairy-tale time, will end soon and everything will return to the banality and boredom of everyday life! How to meet this midnight run, how much is anxious to get back in time, not to lose the privilege, though for a few hours, to feel different, independent woman, beautiful and important as a princess! In the fairy tale Cinderella also
, at the stroke of midnight, he runs like a desperate down the stairs, terrified to show itself and the real life you lead, so that even losing a shoe. The shoe is symbolic, is a trace of itself, a cell phone number, a gift, a scarf forgotten, to be searched and found later.
The tale is, therefore, a syndrome far more serious. Young girls lack basic safety and self-confidence, but it is not just a matter of growth. The internal evolution of a young woman is not only making the years, even with this older, but with the freedom of life itself, with space and time that is granted. One is a good Fairy parent who teaches how to live consciously and according to his conscience, otherwise it is a fairy "apparently" good. I, as a woman, I consider myself lucky because I could enjoy the illumination of my good fairies, which, fortunately, a little girl I have ever read the tale of Cinderella.
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