A natural light, the morning light softly, reveals flashes of golden flakes. Dark brown, wavy-shaped and cylindrical, slightly twisted, rather than property. Its pungent smell and tells me its freshness, the moment of his hasty and furtive apparition, his trampling causes a rhythmic sound angry ... fuck! The contact springs and warm, slightly damp with the lower part of my body wakes up my nose numb. Her sight reminds me of a suggestion of taste, far from being pleasant rather sour and disgusting, causing involuntary abdominal contractions, which force me to a sudden retreat to the bathroom. While clearly distinguish the remains of my recent breakfast, floats on the bottom of the cup, colors and density variables, refer to my mind an image that materializes next to me, at the height of my nose ... two long ears, tongue hanging out, a tail and a reverent look for anything malicious, I awaken a deep sense of guilt. If the memory is only focused on the previous night, capturing the memory of my oversight, darkened by waves alcohol and an artificial exhaustion, caused by a voluntary return home late. I can not blame my disrespectful but faithful companion, from the front my sinister and blind selfishness, have decided to violate a strict rule to safeguard their health, hearing and working with his bodily needs. I pick up the remains of myself and those of Samson left rhythmically along the corridor, which have become flat in shape, when around the corner ... dark brown, wavy, cylindrical shape so that other ...?
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