It seems my turn ... ^ _ ^
... my turn to say thank you!
How can we not thank all the bloggers who so consistently and lovingly caring for and contribute their very own space?
sisters Cristina and Valentina have established blogs as "parallel universes", not a bad definition! :) In fact, to continue the metaphor, blogs are open spaces which are planets and stars; translated into emotions, feelings, passions ... I'm just
Cree and Vale to me among other things awarded this prize delighted :

I thank you for this nice surprise!
And with pleasure I invite all my readers to visit "daisies"
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I would like turn the prize a blog that I have strongly affected both graphics and content of course! :) Some belong to bloggers who I respect a lot now ... The 10
blog to confer the award for Creativity are
- Ars your life mea
- One Hundred Years of Paul
- The waves broke on the shore
- Shelf Teo
- Books by Rowan
- It feels free only when you go to fire
- The blog of the lovely Sophia
- The secret portal
- The Library Nicky
- Where thoughts are confused
Prize also the blog of Alexander, but it is not but Blogger Word Press:
- Demian
Finally, as the rule states:)
10 things about me!
1 - I love reading (scontatissima!!)
2 - I love to travel: visiting cities, churches, archaeological sites, museums and exhibitions
3 - I really like fairs and festivals
4 - I love dancing and sports provide a graceful body movement (dance, skating, rhythmic gymnastics ...)
5 - I love the holidays (especially making and receiving gifts:)
6 - I prefer comfortable clothes with a strong tendency to blue and purple
7 - I like children and keep them entertained I am easily and natural
8 - I tend to impose my will on what to do, where to go ... (Selfish? A bit'...)
9 - I do not like skiing and snow I find beautiful postcard
only 10 - I have a vivid imagination and when you ride alone, I guess I have company (I'm not crazy:)
Well, that's all ...
take this opportunity to wish (albeit a day late) to all women:
End ^ _ ^
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