Saturday, March 19, 2011

Tom Delonge Leather Jacket The Adventure

Some LO

Every now and still produce

... .. not much really, but these are the last LO I have done in recent weeks.

me every day (800x787)

VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

VLUU L100, M100  / Samsung L100, M100

What do you think?

Good Sunday to all!

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Messages To Write For A Baby In A Baby Book

Amici miei. Come tutto ebbe inizio

A film of Blacks Relatives 2011.
With Christian De Sica, Michele Placido, Giorgio Panariello, Paolo Hendel, Massimo Ghini.

Hello ,

go to the movies can be a very pleasant gorni in these cold and rainy last night and I went to see this movie and I really enjoyed, so I wanted to advise him .

my old friend is undoubtedly higher, but this prequel is nice to see. Jokes between friends and friends are very nice.

The joke that made me laugh the most was that the damage dell'Alderighi, the carpenter, played by Massimo Ceccherini makes absurd faces. Really ugly and funny! : P

The finish is a little homage to old movies.

Nothing ... I leave the trailer and I wish you good vision !

End ^ _ ^

Is A Bobopedic Really Worth It

Tanti auguri Italia!!!!!!!!!!!!!

150 years, brought right? Perhaps not too much, after so many years of political arruffoni and ignorant, but it's still my Italy and I can only wish and hope that the future of the reserves better. Italy
Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Cold Weather Pants For Motorcycles

Ride a bike

second stage of lk over! Since I did not want to sew buttons I tried to embroider the flower basket, for now, I leave it 'if not convince me, there's always time to undo !!!!!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Micky James Striptease

Premio: Kreativ Blogger

It seems my turn ... ^ _ ^

... my turn to say thank you!

How can we not thank all the bloggers who so consistently and lovingly caring for and contribute their very own space?

sisters Cristina and Valentina have established blogs as "parallel universes", not a bad definition! :) In fact, to continue the metaphor, blogs are open spaces which are planets and stars; translated into emotions, feelings, passions ... I'm just

Cree and Vale to me among other things awarded this prize delighted :

I thank you for this nice surprise!

And with pleasure I invite all my readers to visit "daisies"

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

I would like turn the prize a blog that I have strongly affected both graphics and content of course! :) Some belong to bloggers who I respect a lot now ... The 10
blog to confer the award for Creativity are
- Ars your life mea
- One Hundred Years of Paul
- The waves broke on the shore
- Shelf Teo
- Books by Rowan
- It feels free only when you go to fire
- The blog of the lovely Sophia
- The secret portal
- The Library Nicky
- Where thoughts are confused

Prize also the blog of Alexander, but it is not but Blogger Word Press:
- Demian

Finally, as the rule states:)
10 things about me!

1 - I love reading (scontatissima!!)
2 - I love to travel: visiting cities, churches, archaeological sites, museums and exhibitions
3 - I really like fairs and festivals
4 - I love dancing and sports provide a graceful body movement (dance, skating, rhythmic gymnastics ...)
5 - I love the holidays (especially making and receiving gifts:)
6 - I prefer comfortable clothes with a strong tendency to blue and purple
7 - I like children and keep them entertained I am easily and natural
8 - I tend to impose my will on what to do, where to go ... (Selfish? A bit'...)
9 - I do not like skiing and snow I find beautiful postcard
only 10 - I have a vivid imagination and when you ride alone, I guess I have company (I'm not crazy:)

Well, that's all ...

take this opportunity to wish (albeit a day late) to all women:

End ^ _ ^

Monday, March 7, 2011

Counterstrike 1.6 Bots Bot_add_t

Thank you!

Yaya My friend shot me this award honors .... the thing I'm happy and above all of the words that Yaya has used against me because I know I'm sincere and I appreciate this a lot: grazieeeee! !

The rules provide that the premium you must post with the link to Who has given you (fatto!) and then pass it to their favorites among the five blogs that do not exceed 300 players so 'to raise awareness of small but wonderful artists around the web and then warn those who are' designated!

Before I give you a little example ... I surf the blogs a lot but hardly ever leave comments not because I do not like what I see in fact, but often do not have time, maybe I'm at work so I can not waste so much time in around the web are lazy ............ ....... and finally, sometimes I do not write anything not to repeat what he just said maybe someone before me and I wanted ..... so I say all this talk to say that I decided to blog, and then press 5 5 Bloggers I admire their creativity and imagination and that you may not even know what to admire :-)

Moreover forgive me if I quote people who have already been awarded, but I want to reward these scrapper that I admire so much

Sadia I really like his style , I find it elegant and refined and its cards are more beautiful than the

Mery Ste for me and 2 are true myths and for this reason I quote the whole, are always masterpieces

Daniela because makes a lot of things and makes them all very well, and then a well of imagination and creativity

and finally my friend .... because Silvia a bit of time devoted to such cards and ATC (fine for others) but I would like him to return to do his all colored like LO likes me!

Greetings to all!

Monday, February 28, 2011

Regal Kitchen Plus Breadmaker

Orgoglio e pregiudizio

project: Reading Group

Group: Brice's House (Link in the margin)

Title: Pride and Prejudice
***** (5 stars aNobiane)

Author: Jane Austen


"Published in 1813, Pride and Prejudice is the most popular of Austen, the most perfect balance of polish and narrative style, "he writes in the introduction Attilio Bertolucci. "Around the character of Elizabeth, pretty without being beautiful, intelligent and firm without being harsh, the truth comes out of England before the industrial revolution, with its green forests in the mud of its fall season, with the red of his military uniforms. "

first stop. From Chap. I chap. XV, including Short

The book is really like me. I love the conversations between Mr. and Mrs. Bennet, and the relationship between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy very promising: the two were exchanging jokes so significant that one can not participate emotionally in their game of interest and pride.
I find the character of Elizabeth very modern, especially thanks to the spirit of independence which is equipped. Mr. Darcy is truly fascinating, a "dark": the sex symbol who secretly inflames the heart of every woman.
Jane Austen's style is sublime: so intelligent and harmonious, but at the same time smooth and intimate. Its critical and ironic vein is always present and the story seems to be told by a friend with some extraordinary properties of language, but also nice.
I look forward to continuing my reading ...

3 interesting quotes: The novel attacks

now ironically with the theme:
- "E 'truth universally acknowledged that a single man very well endowed with property and fortune should feel the need to marry. " ^ _ ^

then ...

- "Pride has to do mainly with the view we have of ourselves, vanity with this che vorremmo che gli altri pensassero di noi."

- "Nel matrimonio la felicità è dovuta al caso. Per quanto due persone possano sapere dei reciproci caratteri e per quanto questi possano essere simili, tutto questo non servirà minimamente a renderli felici."

Seconda tappa . Dal cap. XVI al cap. XXVI compreso
Breve commento

Ragazze, eccoci alla seconda tappa! :) Che dire…
La lettura prosegue emozionandomi ogni pagina di più. La curiosità prende talvolta il sopravvento e divoro i capitoli come una leonessa famelica. Un romanzo troppo ben fatto, ecco.
Continua la delicata caratterizzazione dei personaggi e il quadro dell’epoca is full of details and colors. In this part make their appearance important to Mr. Collins and Mr. Wickham, the first so talkative pimp boring, the second apparently perfect, but prone to gossip and what not a little suspicious to me. On the sensitive reader begins my disappointment to the blind world view of Jane: Is there really a good girl so that I could not grasp the dark side of the next? Jane Wake up! The behavior of Charlotte Lucas does not surprise me too much: it fits perfectly in the middle-class milieu to which it belongs, in fact, only Elizabeth and Mr. Bennet seems to come out because of their unconventionality. What about Miss Bingley ... but absolutely nothing! E 'character perfect for the plot of the story. In conclusion
expensive "sister" (read:) I can only go on the book with the ecstasy that only the first reading can give. After reading I see the movie or the show ... as transpositions between 1000 television movie or do you recommend to see?? Kisses.

Third stage. From chap. XXVII chap. XL Short
including comment

What novel! ... As you can not divorarselo!?
This is the stage that certainly won me over, for obvious reasons;)
's been too nice follow up to that point can sink the pride of Mr. Darcy and the prejudice of Elizabeth against him ... I am thrilled at every meeting so curious to follow conversations at times and number of circumstances, sometimes close and mocking. Eliza On the one hand I wanted to continue with its provocative and engaging air, he opened his eyes and the other plainly saw the glimmer of affection that leaked from the attitudes of our darkness. Their complicity is increasingly evident, as the obvious understanding that the two are made for each other. And it's all a crescendo, until ... (I will not run into spoilers!). Girls
'm going to continue reading ...:)

Fourth stage. From ch. XLI chap. The brief included

We reached the fourth stage. The relationship between Elizabeth and Mr Darcy becomes increasingly complex, yet clear: the two can finally meet in the true sense of the word, Mr Darcy now seems to have freed himself of his pride, at least in part, and our heroine of her prejudices. Elizabeth studied with the attitude of impartiality, the ways, his character and begins a journey of self-analysis that leads her to discover new sensations in her near him, to consider his new feelings. The affection of Mr. Darcy is now clear and the situation seems to have turned in favor of the blossoming of true love, but lack still about 100 pages to the end and the Austen part at this point a nice twist! Curious? ^ _ ^

Fifth stage. From chap. LI chap. LXI including
Short comment

This last part is very exciting, the rest is ... the end! :) The
Austen is a magician of the pen and the book concludes with dignity, not a comma is out of place, not a detail is ignored. The height of genius is, in my opinion, reached in the meeting / clash between Elizabeth and Lady Catherine de Bourgh: what pace!
I am infinitely happy to have read this book, not just seeing the 2005 film starring Keira Knightley: P Council Instead the TV miniseries in six episodes of the 1995 Simon Langton!

dispassionately conclude by advising that this book deserves 5 stars aNobiane (if not something more:)

End ^ _ ^

Friday, February 25, 2011

Bump Under Gum After Toothache

Plant a tree

Here's the first chunk of this cheerful sal. As has been said my traveling companions is embroidered in a hurry, even on a night if the rest of the family leaves us quiet
;-) I was thinking of using the finished embroidery to make the flap of a purse Besace for Peter, but by the end of the year I can change my mind hehehehehe

Womantighs To Strangle

Sal Ufo

This week I worked a lot, but 'I started the embroidery pocket for wires and other small panels finished up back, I hope to be more productive next month ;-)

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Like To Sit On The Belly Of My Slave

Consigli di lettura_Marzo

suggested reading for the month of: March

Dear readers,

in February has gone a bit 'better than the past two or three months and I was able to complete four books, and luckily I liked all 4 ...

books are:

The Last Cato by Matilde Asensi
**** (4 stars aNobiane)


to tell everything in a voice choked with emotion is Sister Ottavia Salina, in fact, paleography highest authority of the Vatican Secret Archives. Ungiorno, while China is on a rough parchment, is summoned urgentementedalle highest papal hierarchy that given the task of estremasegretezza. Sister Ottavia is the only person in the world can decipher unostrano tattoo - seven crosses and seven letters in ancient greek forming LaParola stauros or cross - engraved on the corpse of an Ethiopian suimonti found the Greece. From this puzzle appear to depend on the fate of all leChiese Christian, the more so next to the body have been found which are probably trepezzetti wooden splinters of the Cross of Christ.

Here's my review :

On the Way to Eden

A cocktail of adventure and mystery. History, archeology, religion, literature and even in second-mafia.

The story got me involved from the outset and until the end, kept me awake the curiosity to know ...
I'm fond of the protagonists, as well characterized, and along with Octavia I relived the feelings and awareness prior to THE first love.
I really liked the idea of \u200b\u200ba different interpretation of Dante's Purgatory, less Catholic and more literal. A revised text that seems to actual evidence for a journey of initiation.

The protagonists: a palaeographer (and even a nun!), A Swiss Guard and an archaeologist, you get caught up in an adventure out of the ordinary. Visit the 7 city-symbol of the 7 deadly sins where initial trials will have to overcome, and then Rome for pride, Ravenna envy, anger Jerusalem, Athens sloth, avarice Constantinople, Alexandria for Antioch throat and lust. On the Way to Heaven Terrestrial.

Descriptions historical and archaeological point, always related and very interesting.
of this book is often criticized because the final unreal, but I say, is a novel! I think the end is in line with the narrative, it 'more you' less pretended to the whole affair. So if history can be appreciated from the outset and continues to appreciate the developments is consequential to appreciate the finish. Indeed, in my opinion is' daydreaming.


- the second chapter could be a bit 'pesantuccio, because the description of the entire history of Staurophilakes. The remainder of the novel flows that is a pleasure.

- Very long chapters. I do not know ', but I have always preferred books like this style of short chapters by Dan Brown and James Rollins.

In any case, recommended!

Novecento **** (4 stars aNobiane) by Alessandro Baricco


The Virginian was a steamer. In the years between the wars was shuttling between Europe and America, with its cargo of millionaires, of immigrants, and ordinary people. They say that the Virginian is esibisse every evening a remarkable pianist, the astonishing technique, capable of playing music never heard before, wonderful. Testimonials that his story was crazy, he was born on that ship and that there had never fallen. They say that no one knew why.

Short comment :

brief but intense

The perfect example that the length of a text is not necessary in a pararmetro determine their beauty.

In the few pages of the twentieth century's poetry, humanity, authenticity.

Recommended! ^ _ ^

Turn of the Screw Henry James
***** (5 stars aNobiane)

information found in the section "Reading Group", this is the link: vite_19.html

and finally: The Scarlet Letter

***** (5 stars aNobiane) by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Plot The story takes place in Puritan Boston sec. XVII. Hester Prinne hapreceduto her husband in Massachusetts, a senior scientist, and had unafiglia, Pearl, a report unlawful. Is pilloried econdannata to carry on his chest the letter A (adultery), cut out "in a belpanno scarlet." He refuses to say the name of her lover, but her husband, sottofalso name, goes in search of man. He manages to find out: is the giovanerevederendo Dimmesdale, who suffers a lot, but for pride, not vuoleconfessare. Pressed by the husband of the late Hester pubblicamentela confesses his guilt, but cut off from emotion, dies.

Here's my review :

Caliamoci in the

"The Scarlet Letter" is a beautiful story that brings back so clearly suggestive and the Puritan thought. We are in a new Boston that will purify the Anglican Church from all forms not provided by the Holy Scriptures, and that everywhere can see the danger of sin. Around the particular situations inevitably forms a halo of legend and it happens that an old character from the brash and controversial interest is branded as a witch, a child born of a sinful relationship is seen as the son of the devil. Every phenomenon that you can not hide a hand to explain the mechanisms of the supernatural. How
himself says Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel in a passage:
"In those days every phenomenon was interpreted as a supernatural revelation. Like a flaming spear, a sword of fire, a bow, an arrow flew, glimpsed in the midnight sky, advocating a war with Indians, a red halo announced the plague. Do not say we would know if a single major event is being produced in New England without prior supernatural revelation. Sometimes these signs were seen by large crowds, but more often is sufficient to prove the testimony of one man, who of course first amplified them with his imagination and only the second time they stated with the clairvoyance of his own thought. "
This is the atmosphere of the novel is imbued and which makes the narrative so vivid and real.

If you're curious to read other passages from "The Scarlet Letter" to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe precious style of the author invite you to visit the "aphorisms," this is the link:

END ^ _ ^

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Recycled Crafts Yogurt Containers

Grazie del BENVENUTO!!!

This is intended as a thank you to all who gave me welcome you to this wonderful group of reading so well together: Bryce's House

Link to group:

I am honored to know so many nice people who share a dear passion: reading.
'm sure it will be a challenging experience! : D

not deny that I have a bunch of reading up and I hope I do not aNobii it is difficult to keep up both, commitments permitting. ANobii
My group is called on "all and all x A x a" and thanks to it I have already made many important knowledge. Knowledge that slowly turned into real friendships roprie, albeit "virtual" ...

So I take this opportunity to greet my friends Musketeers) and again I thank my new friends readers. I hope you felt as heat and also share with you the pleasure of reading that unites us and guides us.


END ^ _ ^

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Quickbooks How Do I Find My


Saturday, February 19, 2011

Pregnancy Raw Spot Cervix

Giro di vite

Project: Reading Group

aNobii Group: an all and all x x a


Book of the month of February

Tyrol: Crackdown

Author: Henry James


leading player in the famous story of Henry James are two black children, Flora and Miles, persecuted but also attracted by the ghosts of two people who shared in the life their days. As in all stories of James, however, emphasis is also dark, menacing atmosphere, full of dark foreboding that hangs over landscapes and people. A story in the strictest Gothic tradition, between the supernatural and reality, written by a great storyteller of the nineteenth century.

Review of ร เ 3 ๏ ภ ค

But where is the truth?

One of the characters gathered around the fire begins to tell a story, he said quoted by a friend of his, which in turn had read in a journal. From the outset the reader is enthralled by the curiosity to know this story, a ghost story ...

So begins the tale in the form of a monologue where the narrator is the star of the live events: a governess, who will be involved in a horrible situation in which they appear not one, but two children. In practice, a "crackdown" (the drama that is added to the drama, the straw that breaks the camel's back) as if the lives were given a further turn inexorably penetrating into the wooden surface. It could then also symbolize a psychotic attachment to a fixed idea, a stupid and stubborn will? May be ...
these ghosts are real, or are a result of the warped mind of the governess? Hard to say. The final
pretends to clarify things to the reader, actually opens even more questions: absolutely appropriate solution the plot and style!

The eerie atmosphere that hangs over landscapes and people is almost palpable. An example of suspense artfully concocted, without the need for scenes from the butcher.
If you want a proof of how this novel might lure and anxious at the same time you read a few steps saved in this same blog post tagged with "aphorisms," which I can guarantee you will not ruin the reading


Crackdown ***** (5 stars aNobiane!)

End ^ _ ^

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Silver Burdett Ginn Kindergarten Math

Quando si é giu'

Sometimes there are gray days out that make us feel gray inside ............ in one of those I found these words that I did well and that you want to spend

If you can not be a pine on the top of the hill,
Be the brush in the valley but be,
The best little shrub on the side of the hill,
Be a bush if you can’t be a tree.
If you can’t be a tree, be a bit of the grass,
And some highway lovelier make.
If you can’t be a muskie be a bass,
But the liveliest bass in the lake.
We can’t all be captain, some have to be crew,
There’s something for each of us here.
There’s big things to do, there’s little things to do.
The thing to do is the near.
So if you can’t be a highway, be a trail.
If you can’t be the sun, be a star.
It’s not by size that we win or we fail,
Be the best of whatever you are.
Douglas Malloch

Monday, February 14, 2011

Baitbus Waiting For The Bus

La lettera scarlatta

the steps that I liked more from

"The letter scarlet "

Nathaniel Hawthorne

Customs Introduction to The Scarlet Letter

But the truth is perhaps another: that the author, when casting his papers to the wind, never thinks of the many who will throw the book aside and even open disdain, but the few who can understand how they understood their classmates and life. And indeed, some writers go so well in this way, who indulges in such intimate secrets of nature and jealous, which could only be done at the reader that he had secured a complete sympathy of mind and heart as if the book launched the world should certainly find a soul mate who wrote it and to accomplish its life cycle with this perfect communion with the soul of the writer.

Hearing this, which is perhaps not strange that all my people is there. In Salem in fact the first British who brought my name immigrated two hundred twenty-five years ago, when the colony was still wild, scattered through the forest where the present town was founded. And there all their descendants were born and died, stirring to land their human substance, so that now there must be a certain kinship between the sod and my mortal frame that tramples, and perhaps attachment to the bottom of which I spoke not is whether or not the mysterious sympathy of dust for dust. The gaiety of the old

resembles very closely the laughter of children: in some and in others the joy does not come from the spirit and intelligence, but it's just a ray of light and joy that passes, like a caress of the sun, both the green and tender branch as the wrinkled old body.

Chapter Two

It is true that a merciful gift is made to human nature, for which those who suffer at the time of suffering, which they always ignore both the intensity and can only assess it, later, in the wake of pain remains.

Chapter Five

But a strange fatality seems to compel every person to walk around, like a ghost, in the places where some great event has left a deep furrow in his life, and is all the more inexorable fate MISUSE, as this is the wake of sadness and pain.

Chapter X

"Where did you find my good doctor," asked Dimmesdale, "the herbs so ugly?"
"Just below the cemetery," said the doctor without interrupting the examination of plants. "There are herbs that do not know. They were on a grave without a tombstone, and every other memory of the dead, if not precisely these monstrous plants. They may have sprung from his heart, and perhaps they were there to witness some dark secrets of the dead, those who would have done better to confess to life ... "

" You say then that I know all of you ?...", asked Roger Chillingworth resolute in tone and setting in the eye pastor of his own who sparkled. "So be it! Many times the doctor believes to get to know his patient and does not know that a part of evil. Forgive me, dear friend, if I am forced to push up to offend you. But you know that very often the disease of the body, the evil that we see, is but a reflection of a mysterious invisible moral evil ... Now you are just the most typical example of this close dependence of physical health on the health of the soul ... "

Chapter eleventh

[...]; but perhaps lacked what they learned and holy gift that came down from heaven on the head of the Apostles on the day of Pentecost, that is, that pure fire that allowed early popularizers of Christianity to speak to the people not in their various languages, but in what is now the way to reach the hearts of men. In vain they would try to express the highest truths and poor with humble words, unadorned with pictures but with immediate effect, while Dimmesdale was reserved for this gift, and he probably could have touched sublime heights of faith and holiness, if he had not brought soul the weight of guilt and pain that was holding on the ground, like the other humans, too, whose voice was worthy to be heard by the angels.
Yet it was this tremendous burden to place him in close communion with the crowd of sinful men, so that his heart vibrate with the heart of the faithful and generously upheld the anxieties, which he manages to infuse with his melancholy but compelling eloquence, the agitation of his soul the soul of the multitude who listened to him.

Chapter Twelve

In those days every phenomenon was interpreted as a supernatural revelation. Like a flaming spear, a sword of fire, a bow, an arrow flew, glimpsed in the midnight sky, advocating a war with the Indians, a red halo announced the plague. Do not say we would know if a single major event is being produced in New England without prior supernatural revelation. Sometimes these signs were seen by large crowds, but more often is sufficient to prove the testimony of one man, who of course first amplified them with his imagination and only the second time they stated with the clairvoyance of his own thought.

Chapter thirteenth

[...], around Esther Prynne had come to form a halo of respect. If it is not troubled by selfish motives, human nature is in itself brought the love to hate more, [...]

Chapter fifteenth

Esther followed him a little with his eyes in astonishment, almost, that he stepped on the grass and does not flare up immediately in the footsteps of his steps does not appear, marked in black on the soft green lawn, and wondered where he went looking for herbs so carefully. The Earth, aroused by the look in his evil instincts of man, the poisonous products offered perhaps, still unknown, as miraculously sprouted under his fingers? Or even good herbs were converted by his touch malignant poisons? Surprised that the sun, which lights up all the good things of the world, refuses to illuminate a physically and morally deformed like that, Esther was expected to see him at any moment change his the demon to which he himself had looked like, and fly away God knows where, with the sides of the wings black bird hell.

Chapter eighteenth

Love, and when born, and when rising from a lethargy that had seemed mortal, it releases so much light that the whole world turns around it, [...]

Chapter twenty-second

At that time, little is estimated the quality of mind, every appearance of authority on the other hand was held in high esteem. The people had inherited a sense of respect for constituted authorities, who barely survives today in men: no one can say that this change would be a good or bad.

END ^ _ ^

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Top Currencies To Invest In

Giro di vite

the steps that I liked more from

"Turn of the Screw" by Henry James


"The transcript is yours? " I asked him again. "You have you written?"
"No. Mine is the only impression. I've written here (and thus pointed to his heart), and are no longer able to forget"

At that point I also began to secure it carefully.
"I understand ... It had to be in love with you," he concluded.
For the first time during the evening rise.
"I see the insight that there is lacking. Yes, she was in love or, rather, it was . He could not tell the story without admitting it: I realized that I, and she knew it, but neither of them never spoke. I remember now that is the place: the corner of the lawn, the shade of beeches, and the long and hot summer afternoon. It was not the scene for a story that could be creepy, but .. .. "

Chapter One

From the day I left, I is not never happened to see Bly, but I want to say that today, seen through the eyes older and wiser, my opinion would be greatly reduced. But, while my little guide the blonde hair and blue dress I ran around joyfully turning a corner after another and rushing in the dark corridors, Bly gave me the idea of \u200b\u200ba romantic castle inhabited by a fairy rose, a place that, for some sort of typical entertainment a child's mind, he proceeds on the colors from a book of fairy tales or adventures.
Was not the fact that I had fallen asleep on a book like that had engendered in me dreams wonderful?

Chapter Two

"What was the lady before me?" I asked.
"You mean the last governess? She was pretty young ... so young and pretty just like you, miss."
"I hope that the youth and the beauty to be served with something ", I remember that I said." It seems to us that he prefers pretty young
...". "Of course it is!" agreed Mrs. Grose. "For him to be all young and pretty. "But no sooner had he uttered these words, immediately tried to change it." I mean that the owner ... think so. "
I was stunned.
" But who do you refer first? "I asked.
When it seemed that he did not understand, then blushed.
" A him naturally. "
" The master ?
"And who else?".

Chapter Three

In a sense it was the first time that I realized what meant the air, wide open spaces and freedom, not to mention the entire summer with all its beauty and mystery of nature. To say nothing of the esteem in which I enjoyed, which was a truly wonderful feeling. It was a trap - not done on purpose, but deep enough - that had been extended to my fantasy, my feeling, and perhaps to my vanity, in short, everything that was in me a suggestion. The best way to describe it is to tell you that I was no longer on guard.

Based on what happened next, however, quite unexpectedly, I can not exclude that the first period was characterized by the pleasures of tranquility, that calm che può essere foriera di qualcosa che va lentamente delineandosi, o che si celi in agguato. E, a dire la verità, il cambiamento fu proprio simile al balzo di un felino.

Capitolo nono

C'erano alcuni momenti che mi capitava, spinta da un impulso irrefrenabile, di abbracciarli stringendoli sul mio cuore. Ma subito dopo mi domandavo: "Cosa mai staranno pensando? Mi sono forse tradita?". Sarebbe stato molto facile lasciarmi andare a un coacervo di pensieri cupi, imperniati sul fatto di quanto potessi essermi tradita, ma l'unica spiegazione che riuscivo a darmi di quelle poche ore di pace che ancora mi capitava di godere, ero certa che fosse da attribuire al fascino istintivo che emanava dai due bambini, e che agiva come una sorta d'incantesimo quantomai efficace, anche se era offuscato dal dubbio che stessero recitando una parte.

Capitolo undicesimo

Ma lei costituiva la personificazione vivente di quella caretteristica stupenda che è la mancanza di qualsiasi immaginazione e, considerato che non riusciva a vedere nei nostri piccoli allievi nientre altro che bellezza, tranquillità e intelligenza, non riusciva a rendersi conto appieno della causa delle mie ansie.

Capitolo ventiduesimo

In quel momento mi resi conto di quanto il mio equilibrio (così come mi era già capitato altre volte) dipendesse dalla fermezza della mia volontà, ossia della mia incrollabile decisione di non accettare che quanto dovevo affrontare fosse orribile e contro natura. Sarei riuscita ad oppormi con successo solo se mi fossi richiamata alla "natura", considerando la terribile prova cui ero sottoposta come un tentativo in una direzione fuori dagli schemi usuali e che, pur spiacevole, tuttavia non abbisognava di un ulteriore giro di vite.

Fine ^_^

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Why Women Go Bottomless

Il mio ordine BOL

Cari lettori ,

ho appena inoltrato un bell'ordine alla libreria On-line BOL.

L'acquisto di libri è per me qualcosa di super, oltre al fatto che in questo periodo di carenza di fondi avviene con sempre minor frequenza; e così volevo coinvolgervi in questa piccola novità che mi riguarda.

Vi elenco i titoli che ho richiesto e la spesa per ciascuno di essi. Infine la spesa totale, davvero modica perché ho scelto i libri dalla sezione "Remainders" con lo sconto fino al 65%!!!

Bene, bene, bene... Allora:

1) Shogun di James Clavell - Costo 9,20 €

2) Ali di Yukio Mishima - Costo 1,00 €

3) Tutto sta nel recitar la vita di Shirley Maclaine - Costo 3,08 €

4) Le avventure di Sherlock Holmes di Arthur Conan Doyle - Costo 2,10 €

5) La lettera scarlatta di Nathaniel Hawthorne - Costo 1,75 €

6) Short Novels of Hermann Hesse - Cost € 1.75

7) Crackdown of Henry James - Cost € 1.75 Total products

€ 20.63 + € 3.00 marking because I have paypal, but free shipping because I spent at least € 19 and in any case the package will be sent with me and not daily Corriere Espresso which is slower.

Ok ... that's it.

Write below if you've read any of these books or if you intend to read them! Or if you want to leave any comment:) I hope this

after you have enjoyed, and above all I hope I have inspired some new reading ^ _ ^ With love as always ...


Can You Wash Nylon Duffel Bags

Consigli di Lettura_Febbraio

suggested reading for the month of: February

Dear readers,

as I had predicted in the previous post on tips for reading, this has been (and continues to be ...) a tremendous period ... I had to do in the studio and I could not start any book that was not a manual or at least a text of study.

In December I have not really touched any books that I can talk to you.

In January I read just one, but I suggest you read if you have not already done so. It is indeed a very famous text, from which they made into a film, which surely will happen to you at least heard of.

The Mistress of Spices by Chitra B. Divakaruni


An old Indian lady in a little shop in Oakland, California, with his gnarled hands touching dust and seeds, leaves and berries, looking for the most exquisite taste or spell more subtle. E 'Tilo, the Mistress of Spices. His story begins in a remote Indian village where the pirates kidnap, attracted by its arcane and mysterious powers to bring on an island haunted and beautiful. There Tilo learns the magic of spices that will allow America to help those who, like her, has left India behind. In the workshop of the Sorceress, therefore, parade lives and desires, hopes and hardships of immigrants, and spices, with their thousand tiny eyes peering every gesture of their lord.

My Remarks to the book:

be read slowly and savor

This is a magical story. A fairy tale.
A woman in India lands in America. Must devote his life as a Mistress of spices and spices, before you leave, takes a set of rules. What if she will plan, plan to break them out of love for a man? The spices that are in the book living elements, trampling, will the war? I'll let you discover it by reading ...

This is a novel that constantly evokes the fabulous: talk of occult powers, pirates and mysterious island.

The spices are a guideline to the narrative: thanks to their particular uses will introduce characters and situations.

The reader will also deal with immigration issues. Men and women of India who came to America with dreams and hopes. A child victim of racism and forced a bad company for not being afraid.

A simple story, very linear. Written with an exquisite style: there is one word put there by chance. The writer seems to write a musical score, seems to follow a melody that makes' background. Each word is music.
reading was also accompanied by a slight sense of melancholy: the transience of things you can imagine even the power, but not love. Love in the highest sense of the word, addressed to all those around us and need our help. What is eternal and timeless.

About the film

In 2005 it was made into a film, directed by Paul Mayeda Berges.
Apart from a few discordant elements, the film captures the essence of the book.
has also another advantage: less inevitably put on the table, in the end we have unresolved questions as is the case with the book. There is one thing that the author should have explained better ... That's why I put 3 stars aNobiane, instead of 4. Also recommended
the movie!

Title: The Mistress of Spices
Original title: Mistress of Spices
Country : Gran Bretagna
Genere : Commedia
Durata : 96 min
Anno di produzione : 2005
Regia : Paul Mayeda Berges

La maga delle spezie ***(3 stelline aNobiane)

Fine ^_^

Monday, January 31, 2011

Feel Nauseous After Zipfizz



Baseball Themed Centerpieces