suggested reading for the month of: March
Dear readers,
in February has gone a bit 'better than the past two or three months and I was able to complete four books, and luckily I liked all 4 ...
books are:

The Last Cato by Matilde Asensi
**** (4 stars aNobiane)
to tell everything in a voice choked with emotion is Sister Ottavia Salina, in fact, paleography highest authority of the Vatican Secret Archives. Ungiorno, while China is on a rough parchment, is summoned urgentementedalle highest papal hierarchy that given the task of estremasegretezza. Sister Ottavia is the only person in the world can decipher unostrano tattoo - seven crosses and seven letters in ancient greek forming LaParola stauros or cross - engraved on the corpse of an Ethiopian suimonti found the Greece. From this puzzle appear to depend on the fate of all leChiese Christian, the more so next to the body have been found which are probably trepezzetti wooden splinters of the Cross of Christ.
Here's my review :
On the Way to Eden
A cocktail of adventure and mystery. History, archeology, religion, literature and even in second-mafia.
The story got me involved from the outset and until the end, kept me awake the curiosity to know ...
I'm fond of the protagonists, as well characterized, and along with Octavia I relived the feelings and awareness prior to THE first love.
I really liked the idea of \u200b\u200ba different interpretation of Dante's Purgatory, less Catholic and more literal. A revised text that seems to actual evidence for a journey of initiation.
The protagonists: a palaeographer (and even a nun!), A Swiss Guard and an archaeologist, you get caught up in an adventure out of the ordinary. Visit the 7 city-symbol of the 7 deadly sins where initial trials will have to overcome, and then Rome for pride, Ravenna envy, anger Jerusalem, Athens sloth, avarice Constantinople, Alexandria for Antioch throat and lust. On the Way to Heaven Terrestrial.
Descriptions historical and archaeological point, always related and very interesting.
of this book is often criticized because the final unreal, but I say, is a novel! I think the end is in line with the narrative, it 'more you' less pretended to the whole affair. So if history can be appreciated from the outset and continues to appreciate the developments is consequential to appreciate the finish. Indeed, in my opinion is' daydreaming.
- the second chapter could be a bit 'pesantuccio, because the description of the entire history of Staurophilakes. The remainder of the novel flows that is a pleasure.
- Very long chapters. I do not know ', but I have always preferred books like this style of short chapters by Dan Brown and James Rollins.
In any case, recommended!
Novecento **** (4 stars aNobiane) by Alessandro Baricco

The Virginian was a steamer. In the years between the wars was shuttling between Europe and America, with its cargo of millionaires, of immigrants, and ordinary people. They say that the Virginian is esibisse every evening a remarkable pianist, the astonishing technique, capable of playing music never heard before, wonderful. Testimonials that his story was crazy, he was born on that ship and that there had never fallen. They say that no one knew why.
Short comment :
brief but intense
The perfect example that the length of a text is not necessary in a pararmetro determine their beauty.
In the few pages of the twentieth century's poetry, humanity, authenticity.
Recommended! ^ _ ^

Turn of the Screw Henry James
***** (5 stars aNobiane)
information found in the section "Reading Group", this is the link: vite_19.html
and finally: The Scarlet Letter
***** (5 stars aNobiane) by Nathaniel Hawthorne

Plot The story takes place in Puritan Boston sec. XVII. Hester Prinne hapreceduto her husband in Massachusetts, a senior scientist, and had unafiglia, Pearl, a report unlawful. Is pilloried econdannata to carry on his chest the letter A (adultery), cut out "in a belpanno scarlet." He refuses to say the name of her lover, but her husband, sottofalso name, goes in search of man. He manages to find out: is the giovanerevederendo Dimmesdale, who suffers a lot, but for pride, not vuoleconfessare. Pressed by the husband of the late Hester pubblicamentela confesses his guilt, but cut off from emotion, dies.
Here's my review :
Caliamoci in the
"The Scarlet Letter" is a beautiful story that brings back so clearly suggestive and the Puritan thought. We are in a new Boston that will purify the Anglican Church from all forms not provided by the Holy Scriptures, and that everywhere can see the danger of sin. Around the particular situations inevitably forms a halo of legend and it happens that an old character from the brash and controversial interest is branded as a witch, a child born of a sinful relationship is seen as the son of the devil. Every phenomenon that you can not hide a hand to explain the mechanisms of the supernatural. How
himself says Nathaniel Hawthorne's novel in a passage:
"In those days every phenomenon was interpreted as a supernatural revelation. Like a flaming spear, a sword of fire, a bow, an arrow flew, glimpsed in the midnight sky, advocating a war with Indians, a red halo announced the plague. Do not say we would know if a single major event is being produced in New England without prior supernatural revelation. Sometimes these signs were seen by large crowds, but more often is sufficient to prove the testimony of one man, who of course first amplified them with his imagination and only the second time they stated with the clairvoyance of his own thought. "
This is the atmosphere of the novel is imbued and which makes the narrative so vivid and real.
If you're curious to read other passages from "The Scarlet Letter" to get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe precious style of the author invite you to visit the "aphorisms," this is the link:
END ^ _ ^
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