the steps that I liked more from
"Turn of the Screw" by Henry James

"The transcript is yours? " I asked him again. "You have you written?"
"No. Mine is the only impression. I've written here (and thus pointed to his heart), and are no longer able to forget"
At that point I also began to secure it carefully.
"I understand ... It had to be in love with you," he concluded.
For the first time during the evening rise.
"I see the insight that there is lacking. Yes, she was in love or, rather, it was . He could not tell the story without admitting it: I realized that I, and she knew it, but neither of them never spoke. I remember now that is the place: the corner of the lawn, the shade of beeches, and the long and hot summer afternoon. It was not the scene for a story that could be creepy, but .. .. "
Chapter One
From the day I left, I is not never happened to see Bly, but I want to say that today, seen through the eyes older and wiser, my opinion would be greatly reduced. But, while my little guide the blonde hair and blue dress I ran around joyfully turning a corner after another and rushing in the dark corridors, Bly gave me the idea of \u200b\u200ba romantic castle inhabited by a fairy rose, a place that, for some sort of typical entertainment a child's mind, he proceeds on the colors from a book of fairy tales or adventures.
Was not the fact that I had fallen asleep on a book like that had engendered in me dreams wonderful?
Chapter Two
"What was the lady before me?" I asked.
"You mean the last governess? She was pretty young ... so young and pretty just like you, miss."
"I hope that the youth and the beauty to be served with something ", I remember that I said." It seems to us that he prefers pretty young
...". "Of course it is!" agreed Mrs. Grose. "For him to be all young and pretty. "But no sooner had he uttered these words, immediately tried to change it." I mean that the owner ... think so. "
I was stunned.
" But who do you refer first? "I asked.
When it seemed that he did not understand, then blushed.
" A him naturally. "
" The master ?
"And who else?".
Chapter Three
In a sense it was the first time that I realized what meant the air, wide open spaces and freedom, not to mention the entire summer with all its beauty and mystery of nature. To say nothing of the esteem in which I enjoyed, which was a truly wonderful feeling. It was a trap - not done on purpose, but deep enough - that had been extended to my fantasy, my feeling, and perhaps to my vanity, in short, everything that was in me a suggestion. The best way to describe it is to tell you that I was no longer on guard.
Based on what happened next, however, quite unexpectedly, I can not exclude that the first period was characterized by the pleasures of tranquility, that calm che può essere foriera di qualcosa che va lentamente delineandosi, o che si celi in agguato. E, a dire la verità, il cambiamento fu proprio simile al balzo di un felino.
Capitolo nono
C'erano alcuni momenti che mi capitava, spinta da un impulso irrefrenabile, di abbracciarli stringendoli sul mio cuore. Ma subito dopo mi domandavo: "Cosa mai staranno pensando? Mi sono forse tradita?". Sarebbe stato molto facile lasciarmi andare a un coacervo di pensieri cupi, imperniati sul fatto di quanto potessi essermi tradita, ma l'unica spiegazione che riuscivo a darmi di quelle poche ore di pace che ancora mi capitava di godere, ero certa che fosse da attribuire al fascino istintivo che emanava dai due bambini, e che agiva come una sorta d'incantesimo quantomai efficace, anche se era offuscato dal dubbio che stessero recitando una parte.
Capitolo undicesimo
Ma lei costituiva la personificazione vivente di quella caretteristica stupenda che è la mancanza di qualsiasi immaginazione e, considerato che non riusciva a vedere nei nostri piccoli allievi nientre altro che bellezza, tranquillità e intelligenza, non riusciva a rendersi conto appieno della causa delle mie ansie.
Capitolo ventiduesimo
In quel momento mi resi conto di quanto il mio equilibrio (così come mi era già capitato altre volte) dipendesse dalla fermezza della mia volontà, ossia della mia incrollabile decisione di non accettare che quanto dovevo affrontare fosse orribile e contro natura. Sarei riuscita ad oppormi con successo solo se mi fossi richiamata alla "natura", considerando la terribile prova cui ero sottoposta come un tentativo in una direzione fuori dagli schemi usuali e che, pur spiacevole, tuttavia non abbisognava di un ulteriore giro di vite.
Fine ^_^
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