Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Sympathy Quotes For The Loss Of A Father


Dialogue Daniela Rindi

- Yesterday I died six months of a baby in her arms ... -
- What? ... -
I said, turning around toward the unknown girl next to me. We were both resting on a concrete railing, smoking .
-Yeah, you know ... so small I had never happen, do not accept it ... -
- But, as successo?-
-Stava giocando con il padre, all'improvviso ha cominciato a vomitare…è diventato bianco…e si è fermato il cuore…
Il fumo delle sigarette faceva degli strani disegni nell'aria tersa del mattino, la città sotto di noi si stava svegliando .
- Ma stava già male?-
- Aveva avuto un intervento al cuore appena nato, ma era andato tutto bene dopo…-
- Uno si augura di non vivere mai queste cose…-
Un orrendo luogo comune mi uscii da questa boccaccia! La ragazza dai capelli nero corvino, con occhi grandi umidi, però, continuò concentrata, come per togliersi un masso dal cuore .
- Quando ti succedono queste cose, you bring them in for a long time '... breathe ... until I-
- Are you a doctor? -
- No nurse, working at Tor Vergata, department, ICU-
- Oh, I see ... you'll see all of the color?! -
exclaimed with a smile, to defuse .
- Yes ... but not this ... -
Should I cut this language! So much bullshit out! What the heck ... even she is telling me what? But who has ever seen? Then, as if he had read my mind ...
- I should not tell you these things ... I'm sorry the outburst was a bad night ... but what are you doing over here at five in the morning?
- I insomnia ... not being at home watching the TV all night, or worse, put me to iron, I come up here and admire the view. It 'beautiful!
- And you? - I asked.
- I did the night ... I was driving home, I live on the third floor-
- I last, and we never met! -
- You have a beautiful view from there too? -
For the first time I smiled.
- Yes, but home is not the same thing ... and then risk waking up the family!
- Already the family ... -
laconic said again.
- Are you married, have children? -
I asked hurriedly, because I wanted to return, I began to feel a bit 'cold .
- Yeah ... - answered
- ... That child was my son ... died last night ...-
And the cold was complete. My blood froze in our veins, my heart began to make me very badly ... I closed my eyes and sighed loudly. Even the air was icy.
- I feel cold, I go down for a moment to take a blanket ... .-
- Okay ... - she said.
I walked to the door and the skylight as doubles, I turned around.
- ... You want one too? -
I looked around, moving a few steps ... gone ... no ... I fixed my gaze to the balustrade concrete from up here is ... very high
... - ... I feel cold, too, is not it ...? -


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