Saturday, December 25, 2010

Converter Poster Em Power Point Em Pdf Primo Pdf

E' arrivata Sara...............................

After four years of hope, nine months of waiting and a half hours of labor at 23:13 on 8 December and got my Little Princess.
I have no words to tell you how much you love them so small bundle 'borrow those of a singer ......

is for you that the trees are green and pink

flakes in maternity
is for you that the sun burns in July
is for you throughout this city
is for you that the walls are white
and the dove flies
is for you the 8 December
is for you the bell at school
is for you everything you need ninna na ninna e. ..
is for you that sometimes it rains in June
is for you the smile of human
fresh orange drink is for you
is wagging the dog for you
is the color for you leaves
the strange shape of the clouds
is for you the juice of apples
is for you the red of strawberries
is for you everything you need ninna ninna na e. ..
for you is the smell of the stars
is for you honey and flour
for you on Saturday in the center
eight in the morning
for you is the voice of the singers
the pen of the poets
is for you a striped T-shirt
is for you the key to the secrets
is for you everything you need ninna ninna na e. ..
is for you doubt and certainty
the strength and sweetness
is for you that the sea sa salt
is for you the night of Christmas
is for you everything you need
ninna ninna na e. ..

Friday, December 24, 2010

American Sundiro Xdz50qt-b

Buon Natale!!!

Hello boys ...

I wish you to all who are registered to my blog and anyone who happened to pass by here ^ _ ^ A kiss and a hug ...

Whether you a Merry Christmas!

ร เ 3 ๏ ภ ค

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Bright Red Face After Eating


Dear blogger friends ! take advantage of this wonderful holiday season to update my beloved blog, unfortunately neglected some of my own will not .. sigh sigh ..:-( but was rather a period full full III & IV! including trade shows, weddings and courses I have not had a moment of time on their hands. I can tell you that the new year will bring many new features, we are "turning out" for you cooking classes, makeup, etiquette and many more ... They're not to be bored with the courses organized by Sara in Events that will delight all the senses. Spend a day where you stracoccolate! immersed in sweet perfumes, chocolates and pastries and baked or your cookies while you learn to wear makeup properly with the advice of our make-up artist and hair stylist. What do you think? I hope to please everyone, but the news is not finished yet ... but for this you have to wait ;-)

Ways To Stop Eyelashes From Falling


More and more married couples who choose to utter the fateful SI in the cooler months, between magical atmosphere and light candles ...
Any advice?
Addobate the church with poinsettias white, while the bouquet to choose snowdrops and holly.
on the tables instead opt for the ivory-colored brocade tablecloths with centerpieces of where the camellias will alternate with the cinnamon, branches of mistletoe, and pine candles.
used as a placeholder marzipan sweets, beautiful and delicious at the same time.
They must also become a fir tree in the hall of reception, with rigorosamnete many white lights and decorations of the same colors of flowers, under which you will arrange the gifts as if they were cadeau ... Christmas. :-)

Friday, December 3, 2010

Low Wbc, Low Vitamin D And Low Ferritin

Non t'arrabbiare..............

This is one of the first games that we taught to Peter, but unfortunately we have always found small bases until I happened on a scheme of Malinmalin.
Now we have a nice base color to play during the long winter afternoons! I'm so 'happy with the result that I took a picture before he had ironed everything!
For those wishing to experiment with the game here is a bit of history and its rules of wikipedia.
The game was created in Monaco by Josef Friedrich Schmidt in the winter between 1907 and 1908, taking a cue from the Indian and English Pachisi Ludo . The game, in production since 1914 , has sold over 70 million copies and currently sells about 100,000 units per year. Germany is considered the most popular. The rules have not changed since 1914, but there are variants under other names. At first the game had little success, but during World War I, Schmidt I sent 3000 pieces to military hospitals, to spend time with wounded soldiers. This promoted through word of mouth to spread the game, which in 1920 reached milione di esemplari venduti a 35 Pfennig .

Lo scopo del gioco, è di far procedere i propri segnalini dalla casabase fino alla propria base di arrivo, procedendo lungo un percorso fatto di caselle in senso orario, in ragione dei punti ottenuti lanciando un dado. La peculiarità del gioco, dalla quale nasce il nome, è quella di poter "mangiare" un segnalino avversario, per costringere il giocatore a ricominciare, provocando in genere una reazione innervosita. Il gioco si compone di una base fatta di cartone, nei cui angoli si trovano le 4 casebasi di diverso colore (6 girando la base), 4 segnalini per giocatore dello stesso colore della casabase e un dado , numerato da 1 a 6.

After placing markers on their casebasi you can start: A player at a time, roll the die clockwise. To start the course we get a 6, this gives the right and obligation to place a marker on its starting square, located on the right and the same color. 6 also gives the right to re-launch of the nut, which will result in moving the marker along the route clockwise. If you have multiple tokens in the game you can use the 6 to move one and the next launch to move another. You can not break down the results of a single launch. If you rolled the dice you get 6 and you still have tokens in casabase, you must place on a square one, even if proceeding with another one could "eat" an opponent. Apart from this exception, when you get a score that allows one of our counters to eat another one (coming on the same box), you are obliged to do so, even if it would support moves another. If a player does not observe this rule, for distraction, the opponents may decide which of the counters should return to casabase, excluding those already on the basis of arrival. A player wins when the first four places the markers on the basis of arrival, hitting the right points with the dice to move them in order.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Can You Get Herpes In You Nose


Project: Reading Group

aNobii Group: all and all a x x a


Book of the month of October

Title: "Gargoyle "

Author: Andrew Davidson

Trama :

Una vita senza sentimenti, una carriera come famoso attore porno, serate dedicate al più assoluto edonismo, nessun legame. È tutto ciò che l'anonimo protagonista di questo romanzo si trova alle spalle, mentre giace in un letto d'ospedale a seguito di un terribile incidente stradale, completamente sfigurato dalle ustioni. Ora che non può più in alcun modo fare affidamento sul suo corpo egli attende in solitudine, senza nessun amico, il giorno in cui sarà abbastanza forte da alzarsi dal letto e uccidersi. Durante una delle sue interminabili giornate, tuttavia, una ragazza di nome Marianne entra nella sua stanza e comincia a parlargli come if they had always known. It is a psychiatric hospital patient, a brilliant sculptor of stone gargoyle however affected by deep manic. Despite the initial distrust of the narrator Marianne will be back in the days following, telling him what she said to have been their first love affair, which occurred in Germany in the thirteenth century. From there, on a regular basis, will return to her bedside to tell him, as in the Thousand and One Nights, of love stories take place between them at other times.

Review of ร เ 3 ๏ ภ ค

"Everything that can withstand fire, you do pass through the fire and will be made clean. "

First, I commend the book cover of this edition Oscar Mondadori, is very suitable and especially beautiful:
the boy's face is in the throes of a metamorphosis in which the flesh becomes poetic plant. drops that are think of pure, fresh water, but also in sweat and crying together, slip on the skin of the boy and rose petals (and they look real!).
The cover tells us figuratively a transfiguration that seems to change not only the body but also the spirit of the protagonist who is freed from sin through the acceptance of physical punishment. This gives him the opportunity to draw closer to the most important values \u200b\u200bof life and therefore Live fully.
The theme of metamorphosis is not the case again in the passion of Marianne Engel, female protagonist, who possesses the art of carving grotesque. The sculpture is a massive step dall'immota heaviness of matter vital to the motion of the shape of which one can not help but admire the miracle of rough-hewn, beauty, even if it is to be sculpted a statue of a flying monster, what , commonly and erroneously is called Gargoyle.

Started reading the book, the story just takes you and grab you the way it is told through a very direct approach to search the narrator with the reader. Direct way to approach mean that the reader is constantly being urged to try to identify himself in the affair, tried to feel what the protagonist. Initially, we must resign ourselves to experience the pain and suffering (though filtered through a touch of self-irony), then a spiritual path of ascent, hope and love.

I recommend this book to everyone, especially those who also love the short stories in this book because there are different and very touching.

"Book of the Month" for October's reading group "One x x all and all a"
Its discussion is available here: http:/

End ^ _ ^

Cake Boss Fondantrecipe

Una testa selvatica

Project: Reading Group

aNobii Group: all and all a x x a


Book of the month of September

Title: "A head wild "

Subtitle: A hymn of love and the power of books to read

Author: Marie -Sabine Roger


Here is the story of Germain, the "village idiot". Centodieci chili di muscoli per sorreggere una testa selvatica, un passato di mancata educazione sentimentale e un presente di conta dei piccioni e pomeriggi spesi al bar. Qui si racconta di un incontro straordinario nel più ordinano dei luoghi, un parco pubblico. Si traccia il delicato resoconto della più improbabile delle complicità, quella tra un gigante semi analfabeta e una vecchina con i capelli viola e la passione per i libri. Si dimostra che l'intelligenza è altra cosa dalla cultura. Quando le vite di Germain e Margueritte si accomodano sulla medesima panchina, ogni cosa, dentro e fuori, comincia a cambiare. E così questa può anche essere una storia che parla di avventure o di amore... o di indiani. Perché no? I sentimenti, come words, are not innate. We must acquire them, slowly. And when they bloom no longer matters that there is still a vacuum to fill, but all full invades the heart and head as weeds that can no longer be eradicated. The world in which plant roots wildness another, without affection, made of words. Like that of Germain and Margueritte, and vocabulary that will rewrite the destinies.

My comment :

A "beach reading"

This is a simple story, as we anticipated correctly what is written on the back cover: do not expect excitement, great emotion and even shots scene.
And 'what comes closest to my concept of "beach reading" and also believe that to truly appreciate it you must finish it within one or two days.
Apart from this premise, a bit 'stiff, I think that "a head game" is a pleasant read.
Marie-Sabine Roger has cleverly used a simple way to write (sorry for the repetition of the adjective, but it is undoubtedly the most appropriate), and sometimes crude, volgarotto, to lend credibility to the view of the protagonist and narrator (it is written in first person) is that Germain, a man practically illiterate. He, thanks to unusual encounters in the park with an old woman (among other things highly educated), he will understand what it means to love and be loved.
I must be honest, I expected a bit 'more ... maybe for the many positive comments. However, not evil. Three stars. :)

"Book of the month of September the group read" One x x all and all a "
Its discussion is available here: http
: / / # new_thread

A head wild *** _3 stars aNobiane

End ^ _ ^

Good Mens Masterbation Lubracants

Il terzo occhio

Author: Lobsang Rampa


When mankind took the place of the gods as punishment for the Third Eye was closed. Lobsang Rampa, Tibetan Lama, says instead of having yet this extraordinary power that men of the West, gold worshipers, commerce and science, have irrevocably lost.

The initiation of a boy into the mysteries of life in a world governed by ancient beliefs and rituals and centuries-old superstition pervaded by piety. Reality or imagination? The third eye takes us to the enchanted atmosphere of the fabulous Tibet, the mysterious Orient so far yet so near.

My comment:

This book is much more than a novel ... offers much food for thought and depth of course. In fact it is a pity that in many instances the author does not elaborate, but as he himself says, this is not the kind of book that is understandable to do so. Definitely going to read the other books that have succeeded in this because I really enjoyed immersing myself in the atmosphere of Tibet in the first half of 1700. Besides the fact that I believe fully that the author, an American of 1900, Monaco is the reincarnation of Tibetan Lobsang Rampa. It is also interesting to see the comment by Corrado Malanga, renowned professor of chemistry at the University of Pisa ufologist as well.

This book is one of my favorites because I opened up a world.


End ^ _ ^

How To Neutralize Red Hilights Into Gold Hilights

Gli spiriti non dimenticano

Author: Vittorio Zucconi


In reconstructing the life of Chief Crazy Horse, the son of thunder and hail, which in 1876 defeated Custer's Seventh Cavalry at Little Bighorn, Vittorio Zucconi has discovered more than a warrior messiah with a red hawk feather in her hair: she met the daily life, women, children, love, the rites and despair of what was a magnificent free people of hunters: the Lakota Sioux of the Great Plains. The result was "The spirits do not forget," a poignant and wonderful story, that no "pale face" can be read without a thrill of tenderness and shame. And without falling eventually, as the author himself, under the spell of Crazy Horse, drifting in an adventure of extraordinary emotional intensity.

Not the usual historical book written with only the dates and chronicles, but try to involve the reader to what has been the period of Crazy Horse and his war with the whites. Reading it, one identifies with Crazy Horse and you can almost feel like it was his mood and his sad end.

My comment :

Past experience, but he learned little or nothing ...

On 6 November 1869 the Indian Chief Red Cloud came to Fort Laramie along the Bozeman Trail, to sign yet another treaty with the white man. In this historic occasion spoke, touching, bitter speech, directed to his Lakota Sioux: "Brothers of the Great Plains, now you must start your life and forget the teachings of your fathers. To become like the white man is to learn virere in her world you must learn to accumulate wealth and food just for yourself, and forget the poor and the other men who are not brothers, but game to hunt. you have to build a house of wood and stone, and when your house will be built, you look around and find what other home and what treasures you can take away your neighbor. Because this is the way of the whites and this is the world in which our people will now have to learn to live and survive. "(" The spirits have not forgotten "by Vittorio Zucconi) I think that sums up the facts. Treaties and treaties binding on the Indian ephemeral for the white man. Although the chief Red Cloud I do not really like, his words on that occasion, dictated by despair and resignation, giving the feeling of selfishness and materialism that dominate the society " civilized ", unfortunately, not only of time. These are words rather than current, a just condemnation, especially the Western world.

End ^ _ ^

Witty Baby Card Messages

La casa degli spiriti

Author: Isabel Allende


A family saga of our century which reflect the history and fate of an entire people, the Chilean women in the stories of a great and eccentric family. A large fresco charm and emotion may remind the reader, in the South American fiction, only "One Hundred Years of Solitude by García Márquez.

Here's my review :

All sides of being a woman

It 's the first book I read Isabel Allende and found it beautiful.

nell'autrice I found a remarkable ability to portray people. With her describe so gamble "loving", easily able to arouse in the reader's love for them consequential. You end up appreciating all the extravagance and eccentricity.

certainly important is the role played by women in history, which is appreciated the irrational side, magical ... The so-called "feminine intuition" that rises to special beings, gifted with abilities even contradictory. The heroines Allende figures known to be elegant, calm, peaceful, but also stubborn, determined warrior.
One of the portraits that I especially liked is that of Ferula Trueba.

Clara, the female protagonist, is a figure almost evanescent ... Beloved by all but impossible to conquer, from "hold." Even the reader remains enthralled by her unique personality and, as happens to the characters of the book loved it, even the reader is not nothing but a sense of elusiveness to him.

I repeat, this book is beautiful and not only because it calls for love and forgiveness (demonstrates the folly of revenge), but also because it treats people not only made of body and mind, but also much more. "Death is like being born, only a transformation, not the end.

Recommended! :)

About the film ...

Episode The House of the Spirits

Country Portugal / Germany / Denmark / USA

Year 1993 Directed by Bille August Cast and characters

Meryl Streep: Clara del Valle Trueba
Glenn Close: Jeremy Irons Ferula Trueba
: Esteban Trueba
Winona Ryder: Blanca Trueba
Antonio Banderas: Pedro Tercero García
Vanessa Redgrave: Nivea del Valle
Maria Conchita Alonso: Tránsito Soto
Armin Mueller-Stahl: Severo del Valle
Jan Niklas: Count Jean Satigny

My comment :

The film has the advantage of capturing the spirit of the book and the characters, especially the one-of-Esteban and Ferula Trueba, but for those who read the book, the film appears to be empty, a succession of flash if you do not have 'the magic that has won every Isabel Allende single event described (but that's normal ...).
Also in the film lacks the narrative of the life of Dawn, granddaughter of Esteban and everything that happens in the book, the film is attached to the mother's life, Blanca. Jaime and Nicolas even exist. The choice is obviously forced ... the one who wrote the script had to stage only the characters relevant to the fulfillment of the plot and skip a generation so that the film does not last a thousand hours, so it's already come a film of 2 and a half hours.
Apart from anything else, for what I said initially, I also suggest the film!

End ^ _ ^

Female Nipples Being Pierced Vido

Consigli di lettura_Dicembre 2010

suggested reading for the month of: December

Dear readers, unfortunately

the month of October was a month a bit 'weak Reading Case Study. And I expect that it will also the month of December ... however, we shall see.

In October, I read two books. Only one of these

recommend it dispassionately at all, and it is:

" The Thirteenth Tale" by Diane Setterfield


Margaret Lea is a young antiquarian bookseller who over the years spent with the father of pages and volumes immortal oblivion buried, has cultivated a quiet passion for literary biography in which it engages from time to time. His predictable life is turned upside down one day by a letter as enigmatic as peremptory: "The hour has come. Come Monday with the train of four and a half. I'll send a car to get to the station in Harrogate. Vida Winter." This is the invitation with which Vida Winter, elusive and charismatic writer at the end of his days, inform Margaret of her investiture in his official biography. After many hesitations - why her? will meet the expectations of one of the greatest living writer? - The young side to the island mansion of the elderly author. Overcome not only their strengths but also the sharpness of his difficult interlocutor, Margaret is going to work at last, being haunted by the events of the immediate family and the fate Angelfield story of a mysterious Vida Winter has never wanted to post ... The Thirteenth Tale unfolds before your eyes so the reader not only to spend the tempestuous lives shrouded in secrecy, but also the complex, intense friendship between two women of different generations behind the magic of narrative fiction, they will find one another truth about themselves, which never could have come from the sun.

This is my quick and very personal comment :

A debut novel pleasant and modest

This is the story of several generations of one family.
's the story of a house reduced to ashes, a library and its ghost.

"The Thirteenth Tale" is a book that reads easily with a very fluid narrative style.
not pretentious. The story is well constructed. It is certainly not the masterpiece of the century, but unconvincing.


The Thirteenth Tale *** (3 stars aNobiane)

--***---***---***---***---***--- ***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---** *--

My second reading for November was:

"The Odyssey White "

The adventure of a man and his dog in the far north Canadian

Nicolas Vanier


On December 13, 1998, Nicolas Vanier departed from Skagway, the Pacific Ocean, with the intent to reach less than one hundred days in Quebec, the Atlantic Ocean, aboard a sleigh pulled by his dogs through the Canadian winter. With his dogs Vanier faced blinding snowstorms, has stayed close to them to win the freezing temperatures of the night, risked losing them and miraculously recovered. Thanks to his dogs, his courage and solidarity of the inhabitants of the forests and villages visited, Vanier was able to complete his business in 99 days, 11 hours and 57 minutes. A breathtaking adventure for all extreme sports enthusiasts and nature.

Here's my comment :

no emotion as it should

I was very excited to read this book, but immediately began disappointment.
- Characters just outlined
- Speeches jumping stake in Frascati
- Low narrative fluidity

good thing is that I learned some new term, including those as simple as the "mushers" or the driver of a pack Dog Sled:) Belle
some descriptions of the snowy landscape e del carettere dei singoli cani, in ogni caso mi sono sembrate fine a se' stesse. Il Vero pregio di questo libro è quello di raccontare una storia vera per questo 3 stelle, invece di 2.

Senza ombra di dubbio preferisco il Nicolas Vanier regista.

Consigliato solo a coloro che apprezzano le cronache di avventure.

L'Odissea bianca*** (3 stelline aNobiane perché è il racconto di una storia vera)

Fine ^_^

Thursday, November 18, 2010

How To Change Your Tripod Head On The Benq

Indiscrete domande letterarie

Esiste un test che ha fatto il giro di Internet .

Un test sul rapporto uomo-lettura.

Una frivolezza comunque, niente di molto impegnativo.

His name is "indiscreet literary questions ...

I'll suggest below, answering the questions myself.

If you like, go ahead! ... And leave me a link to your website, blog.
(members of "all and all a x x a" can, if they wish, respond to the little bar:)

1) How to choose books to read? You get influenced by the reviews? Generally
before buying a book I document on the Internet and get influenced by the reviews that appear to come from an objective eye, but sometimes I also go "on the nose" around the shelves of a library and let me draw a cover, from a plot, paperback edition by perhaps not to be missed ...

2) Where to buy books in bookstores or online?
Although the library is a must for me in moments of leisure, I must confess that most of the books I buy online.
I am aware that many small libraries are closing crushed by an increasingly tough market (in my city for example, has opened the Mondadori publishing house and a small library next to where I always bought closed its doors), but the online booksellers offer more discounts and promotions and my pockets are permanently deflated a godsend.

3) waiting until you finish reading a book before buying another, or have an escort?
In theory I'd expect to finish a book before buying the next one. In practice, it is not:) Even if I try to limit myself to two, maximum three books of Commons.

4) Usually when you read?
may seem obvious answer, but I read when I have time. In principle, I read in the late afternoon and before bedtime.

5) You do influence the number of pages when you buy a book?

No. 6) favorite genre?
do not have a favorite genre. I try to read a bit 'of everything.
I admit to a slight trend toward novels that describe the spiritual journey of a soul.

7) Do you have a favorite author?
I can not say you have a favorite author.

8) When did your passion for reading?
Very late. In the second year of university.

9) Early books?
I have two books that I love to borrow now for a year. Do not see again.
prefer not to lend books.

10) Read a book you can read at a time or several together?
I read one book at a time. I tried to read the two together, but I do not think it would make much sense.

11) Your friends / family read?
Only my boyfriend (thanks my ancestry:)

12) How do you take on average to read a book?
depends on how I take a book and the time available. But I always manage to read at least a month.

13) When you see a person reading (eg public transport) will immediately add to glimpse the title of his book?
Absolutely, but clearly with tact. Peering
the book read by a stranger I feel I feel a part of the character.

14) If all the world's books were to be destroyed and could only save one which would it be?
The Decameron

15) Why do you like read?
Because I like to train my imagination.

16) Read books on loan (from friends or from the library) or only books you own?
Yes, I read books from the library.

17) What is the book that you never got to finish?
premise that I always try to finish books I start, I abandoned the last, and they are not able to reach even half is "Love in the Time of Cholera". It was no time, surely will take it back.

18) Have you ever bought a book just because he had a beautiful cover, and what attracts you the cover of a book?
Yes "Leonardo's Swans" by Karen Essex and "encyclopedia of mythology."
prefer colored covers and with the image. The covers that have only the title and author makes me sad.

19) There is a publishing house that you love especially, and why?
I like many publishing houses.

20) to bring books everywhere (eg on the beach or on public transport) or keep them "safe" at home?
I wear them everywhere.

21) What is the book that you have got one you liked most?
As an adult I have never received a book as a gift. What a sad thing: (

22) As scegli un libro da regalare?
Dai gusti di chi lo riceve.

23) La tua libreria è ordinata secondo un criterio, o tieni i libri in ordine sparso?
I miei libri sono ordinati per dimensione.

24) Quando leggi un libro che ha delle note, le leggi o le salti?
Le leggo.

25) Leggi eventuali introduzioni, prefazioni e postfazioni dei libri o le salti?
Sì, se mi interessa integrare la lettura con informazioni aggiuntive. Altrimenti no.

Fine ^_^

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Butt Caressing On Train


This was definitely the month of yellow envelopes !!!!!!
many unexpected gifts from friends that I could not photograph ;-)
swap the order of Halloween by Elizabeth (, a paccehttino of pampering for my birthday and Sara by Romina, and finally another surprise by Pat ( for Sara and Peter ............. and it is not Christmas yet!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Zimbra Allow Networks

Consigli di Lettura_Novembre 2010

Consigli di lettura

per il mese di: Novembre

Dear readers

In October, I spent hours reading very pleasant. The books that made me company are 3:

- " The Master and Margarita" by Mikhail Bulgakov, which I have already discussed in the previous post

- "The path - My pilgrimage to Santiago De Compostela, Shirley MacLaine

- " Gargoyle by Andrew Davidson

admit that there were a lot of luck involved because I have all 3 and then you recommend them all!

About : The Master and Margarita aNobiane *****( 5 stars!):
can see the previous post. The Tag is "reading group."

About : Way. My pilgrimage to Santiago De Compostela ***** (5 stars aNobiane!)

Meanwhile, the plot :

There is a famous pilgrimage, undertaken for centuries through northern Spain, called the Way of Santiago de Compostela. It is said that it is plain under the Milky Way and follow the lines that reflect l'energia del sistema stellare che le sovrasta. Shirley McLaine ha voluto compiere quest'esperienza e, come gli uomini di fede medievali, si è messa in viaggio, a piedi, lungo questo percorso che ha rappresentato per lei una sorta di rinascita, permettendole di acquisire una nuova consapevolezza di sé e la capacità di guardare a fondo dentro la sua anima.

...poi la mia recensione

Il Cammino della Coscienza

“Il Cammino” di Shirley MacLaine è una ventata di aria fresca in un giorno di afa e uno schiocco di dita nel silenzio. Insomma, è qualcosa che ti scuote e ti costringe ad aprire gli occhi, o quanto meno a riflettere. Infatti non si tratta soltanto description of a physical journey, but also and above all spiritual.
Indeed, for those who need a detailed text to make the journey to Santiago de Compostela, this just would not recommend it, but for those who want to know a personal point of view on that experience, he has found the right book!

The author tells of his way of experiencing the journey, a pilgrimage in itself.
Shirley MacLaine is a well known actress, but also spiritual and remember first and foremost researcher of being a soul. Sa 'who must live the here and now, you know' that must fuse with nature in a whole. In the meditative state remembers another life situations, recognize posti, oggetti e perfino persone, fino ad acquisire consapevolezza. Attraverso un viaggio fatto di visioni più o meno credibili tenta di raggiungere l'obiettivo tanto agognato: conoscersi, comprendersi, rispondere alle domande che da sempre interessano l'umanità: "Che cos'è la vita?" "Che cos'è l'anima?" "Chi sono io?".

Lo so’ che sembra l’ennesimo romanzo su temi spirituali-esistenziali ed è certamente un testo molto meno mistico e "tecnico" de "Il Cammino di Santiago" di Paulo Coelho, ma merita. Cosigliato!

Metto 5 stelle aNobianee perché durante la lettura mi sono commossa più volte (e non mi capita spesso), la descrizione di Lemuria ed Atlantide I was surprised and because (I admit) I'm biased: this is one of my favorite kinds of books.

About : Gargoyle ***** (5 stars aNobiane!):
can see the post that has the tag "reading group."

E 'was the "Book of the Month" for October's reading group "One all x and all x a"
Its discussion is available Here:

End ^ _ ^

Best Tire For A Hyundai Sante Fe

SWAP Halloween

If you want to find out what I sent to Pat, my combination in the Halloween Swap .................. you just need to go to snoop on her blog! His photos are much better than I did!

Congrats Wording Engagement

Copertina finita!

I finally managed to finish the embroidery on the cover of Sara, now you just have to sew the back of the flannel and add (at least we'll post 'a hehehehehhe another month).

Preparing Pancake Mix In Advace

Coccole dalle amiche

Look here what a pleasant surprise I received from dear Manuel, a sweet gray and pink cap for my cucciolotta! If they want to buy a
write them an email! The link is on his website:
Manu again many thanks !!!!!!!!!

1988 Komfort Trendsetter Rv Floor Plan

Sal Parolin finito!!!!!

And so ends another great adventure! This pattern initially appeared to be complicated and spun off without a hitch and I am very happy with the result. Now you just have to find a nice frame to enhance it as it is too small to make a banner as did my traveling companions ................. and in January, Sara permitting, we will start again with a new project!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Couture Clothing For The Sims 3

Un inno alla lettura

Dear readers,

I turn to you that there is always the time and the desire to immerse yourself in reading, but I appeal especially to those who would like to read, but when the perfect time to pull out a ready excuse autoconvince them to desist.

Who can call a player?
A player is one who, being endowed with great curiosity, read everything from newspapers, magazines, comic books, manuals, biographies, novels ... but it is also the one who is interested to a single genre, or a favorite author.
A player walks nicely through the shelves of a library, absorbed in a hypnotic cocktail of colors and arrangements reasons (title, genre, news, etc.).
And 'one who loves smooth the cover of the volumes, to analyze the texture of leaves and of course, savor the smell of new, or preferably of recycled paper.
A player who is finally, in front of someone who reads (on a park bench, lying under an umbrella, sitting on the seat of the train ...) peers to grasp the book's title.

What drives man to "turn off the TV and turn on a book" (as quotes from a campaign progress note)?
If I could explain the immense pleasure that you try reading it I would definitely be a professional writer, there are many emotions that stir the being, but is also to consider that each book has a beauty to the owner and has his own personal time in life. The same book that has brought excitement to 20 years, they can fill with sensations to 30, simply because, over time, have been made new experiences that have allowed us to find in it something of themselves and therefore understand and share a concept more. What then will become "used book" will also provide added value; quote about a fine phrase of Carlos Ruiz Zafon's novel "The Shadow of the Wind": "Each book has a soul, the soul of those who written and those who read, who lived and those who have dreamed of because of it. "

Cosa nasce dall’amore per la lettura?
Dall’amore per la lettura nascono iniziative molto belle, come le "letture di gruppo": amici reali, o virtuali che dopo aver selezionato una lettura comune si interessano ad essa, approfondendone perfino gli argomenti e giungendo ad un piacevole confronto. Io stessa sono iscritta ad una di queste iniziative che trovo stimolante perché leggere è un piacere, ma insieme ad altri il piacere si moltiplica; perché ho la possibilità di confrontare il mio punto di vista con quello degli altri e perché ho l'input molto positivo di avvicinarmi a letture anche lontane dai miei interessi. Oltretutto in molti casi vado incontro a piacevoli sorprese.

Qual è la morale di tutto ciò?
Leggete, leggete, leggete... solo così vi estranierete temporaneamente dal mondo. Vivrete avventure, storie d’amore o di paura. Viaggerete in Giappone, in India o in Australia. Sarete commercianti, soldati o ricchi maraja.

FINE ^_^

Tamilinvitatinon Wordings

Il Maestro e Margherita

Progetto: Lettura di gruppo
Autore: Daniela
Blog: "Note a Margine"

Libro selezionato: "Il Maestro e Margherita"
Author: Mikhail Bulgakov


Woland, the incarnation of Satan, happens in Moscow of the 20s. With magical interventions upsets the theatrical and literary environment, exposing abuses and favoritism. Especially helps the teacher, writer, victim of censorship for a novel about Pilate (of which some are reported in the narrative chapters, those relating to the death sentence of Christ). Locked in a mental hospital, as undesirable, is released through the intervention of Margaret, the woman he loved, who agrees to become a witch and a great night to lead the sabbath of Satan.

Review by ร เ 3 ๏ ภ ค

As a vortex that attracts you, then you release and you are safe and sound, but stunned

Without doubt a classic of contemporary literature, "The Master and Margarita" big surprise for fantasy fiction and fascinating for that aura of mystery and darkness that surrounds him.
The text was written in the 30's of 1900 by Mikhail Bulgakov, Russian novelist and playwright who has built a compelling story rich in characters and events that initially appear to be independent of each other then, read on to find out to be perfectly linked and plausible reason.
The story takes place in an atmosphere of palpable supernatural, but along with extraordinary characters, such as the Devil, demons and vampires, they move very real characters, involved in a dynamic society and corrupt Moscow. For the latter Bulgakov chooses punishment appropriate to the misconduct committed by staging situations deliberately ironic. These situations certainly entertain the reader becomes complicit in a political sarcasm, to remember above all is the great spectacle of black magic Woland & co.
The finish does not disappoint, even Bulgakov seems to reach a peak of wonderful poetry, which, together with the history of the encounter between Jesus and Pontius Pilate and the love of Master and Margaret, balances all that part where it hurts' as a guideline to a hopeless fate.

At the end of reading I suggest you re-read the passage in the "Faust" by Goethe, the author of "The Master and Margarita" is proposed as a source of reflection:
"... So then, who are you? I am a part of that power which eternally evil and eternally wants to do good. "

also advised to accompany the reading of the transposition Russian television (in Italian with subtitles of course:) you can find on YouTube. Here is a link that refers to the first ten minutes of the first episode:
was practically made a TV series in several episodes, and the stakes are so faithful to the text that they each last about 50 minutes.

REACTIONS highly personal reading

Initially I could not get into history and it all seemed very complicated: the protagonists are so many, for many have mentioned two names, a surname and a nickname (the Russian way), some even carry the same name, the shares are so many, at first confused, then skillfully linked. Well ... you may get confused! Soon I became accustomed to the style, the Russian names and how to weave the facts narrated and the reading is fast and continued without fail.

About half of my story sensibility was disturbed. The main character is the Devil and the presence of his hand working is insistently reiterated. Prevail so immoral, dark thoughts, exposure and punishment. I quit reading for a week.

I resumed reading, refreshed and still interested, and not the original narrative has ended. The novel involves surprise and to the end.
In conclusion: it's like a vortex that attracts you, then you release and you are safe and sound, but stunned.

The Master and Margarita ***** _5 stars aNobiane

End ^ _ ^