Dear readers,
I turn to you that there is always the time and the desire to immerse yourself in reading, but I appeal especially to those who would like to read, but when the perfect time to pull out a ready excuse autoconvince them to desist.
Who can call a player?
A player is one who, being endowed with great curiosity, read everything from newspapers, magazines, comic books, manuals, biographies, novels ... but it is also the one who is interested to a single genre, or a favorite author.
A player walks nicely through the shelves of a library, absorbed in a hypnotic cocktail of colors and arrangements reasons (title, genre, news, etc.).
And 'one who loves smooth the cover of the volumes, to analyze the texture of leaves and of course, savor the smell of new, or preferably of recycled paper.
A player who is finally, in front of someone who reads (on a park bench, lying under an umbrella, sitting on the seat of the train ...) peers to grasp the book's title.

What drives man to "turn off the TV and turn on a book" (as quotes from a campaign progress note)?
If I could explain the immense pleasure that you try reading it I would definitely be a professional writer, there are many emotions that stir the being, but is also to consider that each book has a beauty to the owner and has his own personal time in life. The same book that has brought excitement to 20 years, they can fill with sensations to 30, simply because, over time, have been made new experiences that have allowed us to find in it something of themselves and therefore understand and share a concept more. What then will become "used book" will also provide added value; quote about a fine phrase of Carlos Ruiz Zafon's novel "The Shadow of the Wind": "Each book has a soul, the soul of those who written and those who read, who lived and those who have dreamed of because of it. "

Cosa nasce dall’amore per la lettura?
Dall’amore per la lettura nascono iniziative molto belle, come le "letture di gruppo": amici reali, o virtuali che dopo aver selezionato una lettura comune si interessano ad essa, approfondendone perfino gli argomenti e giungendo ad un piacevole confronto. Io stessa sono iscritta ad una di queste iniziative che trovo stimolante perché leggere è un piacere, ma insieme ad altri il piacere si moltiplica; perché ho la possibilità di confrontare il mio punto di vista con quello degli altri e perché ho l'input molto positivo di avvicinarmi a letture anche lontane dai miei interessi. Oltretutto in molti casi vado incontro a piacevoli sorprese.
Qual è la morale di tutto ciò?
Leggete, leggete, leggete... solo così vi estranierete temporaneamente dal mondo. Vivrete avventure, storie d’amore o di paura. Viaggerete in Giappone, in India o in Australia. Sarete commercianti, soldati o ricchi maraja.

FINE ^_^
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