Project: Reading Group
aNobii Group: all and all a x x a

Book of the month of September
Title: "A head wild "
Subtitle: A hymn of love and the power of books to read
Author: Marie -Sabine Roger
Here is the story of Germain, the "village idiot". Centodieci chili di muscoli per sorreggere una testa selvatica, un passato di mancata educazione sentimentale e un presente di conta dei piccioni e pomeriggi spesi al bar. Qui si racconta di un incontro straordinario nel più ordinano dei luoghi, un parco pubblico. Si traccia il delicato resoconto della più improbabile delle complicità, quella tra un gigante semi analfabeta e una vecchina con i capelli viola e la passione per i libri. Si dimostra che l'intelligenza è altra cosa dalla cultura. Quando le vite di Germain e Margueritte si accomodano sulla medesima panchina, ogni cosa, dentro e fuori, comincia a cambiare. E così questa può anche essere una storia che parla di avventure o di amore... o di indiani. Perché no? I sentimenti, come words, are not innate. We must acquire them, slowly. And when they bloom no longer matters that there is still a vacuum to fill, but all full invades the heart and head as weeds that can no longer be eradicated. The world in which plant roots wildness another, without affection, made of words. Like that of Germain and Margueritte, and vocabulary that will rewrite the destinies.
My comment :
A "beach reading"
This is a simple story, as we anticipated correctly what is written on the back cover: do not expect excitement, great emotion and even shots scene.
And 'what comes closest to my concept of "beach reading" and also believe that to truly appreciate it you must finish it within one or two days.
Apart from this premise, a bit 'stiff, I think that "a head game" is a pleasant read.
Marie-Sabine Roger has cleverly used a simple way to write (sorry for the repetition of the adjective, but it is undoubtedly the most appropriate), and sometimes crude, volgarotto, to lend credibility to the view of the protagonist and narrator (it is written in first person) is that Germain, a man practically illiterate. He, thanks to unusual encounters in the park with an old woman (among other things highly educated), he will understand what it means to love and be loved.
I must be honest, I expected a bit 'more ... maybe for the many positive comments. However, not evil. Three stars. :)
"Book of the month of September the group read" One x x all and all a "
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A head wild *** _3 stars aNobiane
End ^ _ ^
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