Esiste un test che ha fatto il giro di Internet .
Un test sul rapporto uomo-lettura.
Una frivolezza comunque, niente di molto impegnativo.
His name is "indiscreet literary questions ...
I'll suggest below, answering the questions myself.
If you like, go ahead! ... And leave me a link to your website, blog.
(members of "all and all a x x a" can, if they wish, respond to the little bar:)
1) How to choose books to read? You get influenced by the reviews? Generally
before buying a book I document on the Internet and get influenced by the reviews that appear to come from an objective eye, but sometimes I also go "on the nose" around the shelves of a library and let me draw a cover, from a plot, paperback edition by perhaps not to be missed ...
2) Where to buy books in bookstores or online?
Although the library is a must for me in moments of leisure, I must confess that most of the books I buy online.
I am aware that many small libraries are closing crushed by an increasingly tough market (in my city for example, has opened the Mondadori publishing house and a small library next to where I always bought closed its doors), but the online booksellers offer more discounts and promotions and my pockets are permanently deflated a godsend.
3) waiting until you finish reading a book before buying another, or have an escort?
In theory I'd expect to finish a book before buying the next one. In practice, it is not:) Even if I try to limit myself to two, maximum three books of Commons.
4) Usually when you read?
may seem obvious answer, but I read when I have time. In principle, I read in the late afternoon and before bedtime.
5) You do influence the number of pages when you buy a book?
No. 6) favorite genre?
do not have a favorite genre. I try to read a bit 'of everything.
I admit to a slight trend toward novels that describe the spiritual journey of a soul.
7) Do you have a favorite author?
I can not say you have a favorite author.
8) When did your passion for reading?
Very late. In the second year of university.
9) Early books?
I have two books that I love to borrow now for a year. Do not see again.
prefer not to lend books.
10) Read a book you can read at a time or several together?
I read one book at a time. I tried to read the two together, but I do not think it would make much sense.
11) Your friends / family read?
Only my boyfriend (thanks my ancestry:)
12) How do you take on average to read a book?
depends on how I take a book and the time available. But I always manage to read at least a month.
13) When you see a person reading (eg public transport) will immediately add to glimpse the title of his book?
Absolutely, but clearly with tact. Peering
the book read by a stranger I feel I feel a part of the character.
14) If all the world's books were to be destroyed and could only save one which would it be?
The Decameron
15) Why do you like read?
Because I like to train my imagination.
16) Read books on loan (from friends or from the library) or only books you own?
Yes, I read books from the library.
17) What is the book that you never got to finish?
premise that I always try to finish books I start, I abandoned the last, and they are not able to reach even half is "Love in the Time of Cholera". It was no time, surely will take it back.
18) Have you ever bought a book just because he had a beautiful cover, and what attracts you the cover of a book?
Yes "Leonardo's Swans" by Karen Essex and "encyclopedia of mythology."
prefer colored covers and with the image. The covers that have only the title and author makes me sad.
19) There is a publishing house that you love especially, and why?
I like many publishing houses.
20) to bring books everywhere (eg on the beach or on public transport) or keep them "safe" at home?
I wear them everywhere.
21) What is the book that you have got one you liked most?
As an adult I have never received a book as a gift. What a sad thing: (
22) As scegli un libro da regalare?
Dai gusti di chi lo riceve.
23) La tua libreria è ordinata secondo un criterio, o tieni i libri in ordine sparso?
I miei libri sono ordinati per dimensione.
24) Quando leggi un libro che ha delle note, le leggi o le salti?
Le leggo.
25) Leggi eventuali introduzioni, prefazioni e postfazioni dei libri o le salti?
Sì, se mi interessa integrare la lettura con informazioni aggiuntive. Altrimenti no.
Fine ^_^
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