Author: Vittorio Zucconi

In reconstructing the life of Chief Crazy Horse, the son of thunder and hail, which in 1876 defeated Custer's Seventh Cavalry at Little Bighorn, Vittorio Zucconi has discovered more than a warrior messiah with a red hawk feather in her hair: she met the daily life, women, children, love, the rites and despair of what was a magnificent free people of hunters: the Lakota Sioux of the Great Plains. The result was "The spirits do not forget," a poignant and wonderful story, that no "pale face" can be read without a thrill of tenderness and shame. And without falling eventually, as the author himself, under the spell of Crazy Horse, drifting in an adventure of extraordinary emotional intensity.
Not the usual historical book written with only the dates and chronicles, but try to involve the reader to what has been the period of Crazy Horse and his war with the whites. Reading it, one identifies with Crazy Horse and you can almost feel like it was his mood and his sad end.
My comment :
Past experience, but he learned little or nothing ...
On 6 November 1869 the Indian Chief Red Cloud came to Fort Laramie along the Bozeman Trail, to sign yet another treaty with the white man. In this historic occasion spoke, touching, bitter speech, directed to his Lakota Sioux: "Brothers of the Great Plains, now you must start your life and forget the teachings of your fathers. To become like the white man is to learn virere in her world you must learn to accumulate wealth and food just for yourself, and forget the poor and the other men who are not brothers, but game to hunt. you have to build a house of wood and stone, and when your house will be built, you look around and find what other home and what treasures you can take away your neighbor. Because this is the way of the whites and this is the world in which our people will now have to learn to live and survive. "(" The spirits have not forgotten "by Vittorio Zucconi) I think that sums up the facts. Treaties and treaties binding on the Indian ephemeral for the white man. Although the chief Red Cloud I do not really like, his words on that occasion, dictated by despair and resignation, giving the feeling of selfishness and materialism that dominate the society " civilized ", unfortunately, not only of time. These are words rather than current, a just condemnation, especially the Western world.
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