Il ritratto di Dorian Gray famous phrases from
OSCAR WILDE Hello! Today I offer all the phrases that I have personally pointed out by reading this famous book. Some of them make you think, others argue. The real" devil " the story is definitely Henry Wotton.;)
If there is one among many who want to comment I'd love to. ... To you
CHAPTER IV "Punctuality is the thief of time "(the theory of Lord Henry)
" What they call loyalty or fidelity I'm hibernating habits or lack of imagination. "(Lord Henry)
"Good artists exist only in what they do and consequently are not just interested in what they are. A great poet, a really great poet, is that there be less poetic, but the mediocre poets are absolutely fascinating. How are their most wicked ways, is all the more picturesque they look. The mere fact of having published a volume of second-rate sonnets makes a man perfectly irresistible. He lives the poetry that he can not write, others write poetry who can not translate into reality. " (Lord Henry)
CHAPTER VI "The real drawback to marriage is that it prevents you from being selfish and who is not selfish is colorless, it lacks individuality. "(Lord Henry)
" The reason why we all like to think so well of others is that we are afraid for ourselves. The basis for optimism is sheer terror. We are generous because we believe we attribute to our neighbor the possession of those virtues that are likely to be beneficial to us. We commend the banker in order to overcome the focus of our account and are banned in the quality of savings in the hope that our pockets. "(Lord Henry)
" Pleasure is the only thing around which is worth having a theory "(...)" The pleasure is the exam that makes us' pass nature, the sign of its approvazone. When We are glad we are always good, but when we are good we are not always happy. "(Lord Henry)
" Being good means being in harmony with itself. The dissonance is in being forced to be in harmony with others. "(Lord Henry)
" I think the real tragedy of the poor is the fact that the only thing they can afford is self-denial. Beautiful sins, like beautiful things, are a privilege of the rich. "(...)" There is no civilized man who never repent of a pleasure, as there is no civilized man ever knows what it is pleasure. "(Lord Henry)
" Women, as he once told a French spirit, inspire the desire to make the masterpieces and always prevent us from running them. "(Lord Henry)
CHAPTER VIII " ... we live in an age where things are not needed by our own needs. "(thinking of Dorian Gray)
"Scolding ourselves is a luxury. When we blame, we feel that no one else has the right to blame us. Not the priest to absolve us, but the confession. "(Thought of Dorian Gray)
" Here (in London) do not need to do their début with a scandal, it's interesting to riderbare to make their old age. " (Lord Henry)
"There is a fatality that pursued the good intentions, and that is that they arrive too late. "(...)" from time to time give us the luxury of some of those sterile emotions that have a certain fascination for being weak. "(...)" They are like checks that men put out a bank where no bank account. "(Lord Henry)
" It often happens that the real tragedies of life occur in an artistic way so little that their crude violence, their absolute incoherence, their absurd lack of meaning, their total lack of style we collide. The effect they produce on us is the same that produces the vulgarity and we give the impression of sheer brute force, and we rebel. But sometimes it happens in our lives is a tragedy that has artistic elements of beauty itself. If these elements are really the whole story awakens in us a sense of dramatic effect. We realize all of a sudden they are no longer actors but spectators of the drama, or, rather, the one and the other thing. Let's look at ourselves and wonder of the show is enough to excite us. "(Lord Henry)
" The past has a unique charm, to be passed, but women (common) they never know when the curtain fell : would ever there was a sixth place and not just the interest of the drama is totally out of offering it to continue. If you do leave, every comedy would have a tragic ending, and every tragedy would end in farce. Are charmingly artificial, but do not have a sense of art. "(Lord Henry)
" Beware of a woman who always wears purple, whatever their age or a woman who at thirty-five loves the pink ribbons: means always having a story. There are others who find a great comfort to discover suddenly the good qualities of their husbands and you fly in the face of their marital happiness as if it were the most fascinating of sins. Other console themselves with religion. One woman told me once that the mysteries of this has the charm of a flirtation, and I understand very well. And then there's nothing that makes us more vain that the hearing himself called sinners; The knowledge makes us all of them selfish. Really, the consolations that women find in modern life are endless, and indeed I did not mention the most important of all. "(...)" ... Take away the fan to another when they lost theirs. "(Lord Henry)
" I'm afraid that women appreciate cruelty, cruelty perfect, more than anything else. Their instincts are wonderfully primitive. We have liberated us, but they are left, as before, in search of slaves to a master. They love to be dominated. "(Lord Henry)
" We live in an age that reads too much to be wise and think that too much to be beautiful "(Lord Henry)
CHAPTER IX "Only superficial beings already in need of years to get rid of an emotion. A man who is master of himself can end a sorrow with the same ease with which he can invent a pleasure. I do not intend to be at the mercy of my emotions ; intend to serve, to enjoy them and overcome them. " (Dorian Gray)
"No one ever meets two ideal things, very few are those who come across one." (Basil Hallward)
CHAPTER XII "The middle classes, vulgar around their dining tables, they advertise their prejudices and moral babble on behalf of those who call the dissipation of the best people to give them the air to belong to good society and being intimate of people who slander. "(Dorian Gray)
CHAPTER XIV " The charm of certain sins more lies in remembering that in committing; are strange triumphs that satisfy the clock rather than the passions and procure intellect more lively feeling of joy, more intense than any joy they brought and could bring to the senses. "(thought of Dorian Gray)
CHAPTER XV " When a woman marries again it is because he hated the first husband, when a man marries again it is because he adored his first wife. "(Lord Henry)
" A man can be happy with any woman, provided they do not love it. "(Lord Henry)
CHAPTER XVI " Healing the soul through the senses and the senses through the soul. "(theory of Lord Henry)
" The life of a man is too short for one's assumption on his shoulders the burden of the errors of others. Each lives his life and pay the price for living it. It was a pity, however, that a single fault you had to pay many times, indeed, pay and pay back all the time. In his dealings with man's destiny never closes the account. Psychologists tell us that there are moments when the passion for sin, or what the world calls sin, the person who completely dominates each fiber of the body, as each cell of the brain, it becomes instinct with fearful impulses. At these times, men and women lose their free will and go towards their terrible end as automatons. They closed the right to choose, and the knowledge is switched off or, even if still living, lives only to give rebellion its fascination and disobedience its charm. Since, as the theologians never tire of repeating, all sins are sins of disobedience. When that spirit exalted, morning star of evil, fell from the sky, he fell as a rebel. "(Thought of Dorian Gray)
CHAPTER XVII " Religion? The surrogate elegant of faith. "(Lord Henry)
"define and limit." (Lord Henry)
"Every time we produce an effect we do any enemy. To be popular you have to be mediocre."
"We women, as he said do not know who we love with their ears, as you men love with their eyes, even if you are able to love." (Gladys Duchess)
"The novel thrives on repetition and repetition converts an appetite in the art. Moreover, every time we love is the only time that we loved. The diversity of the object does not change the uniqueness of passion; simply intensifies it. In life we \u200b\u200bcan not have, at most, a great experience and the secret of life is to repeat that experience as often as possible. "(Lord Henry)
CHAPTER XVIII " A woman flirterà with anyone, provided that there is someone to watch. "(Lord Henry)
CHAPTER XIX " In the country anyone can be good, because there are temptations ;(...)" - "Man can reach the culture in two ways: being caught or being corrupt. The people of the country has no chance of being neither one thing nor the Alrai and therefore remains stagnant. (Lord Henry)
"In the nineteenth century, the death and vulgarity are the only facts that can not be forced eleimanare explanation." (Lord Henry)
"Of course, married life is just a habit, a bad habit, but one regrets the loss of even the worst habits. Perhaps it is these that you miss most, because they form so essential a part of the personality." (Lord Henry)
"Any crime is vulgar, as well as any vulgarity is a crime." - "The crime belongs exclusively to the lower classes and I do not care load. I imagine that their crime is that for us is the art, which is simply a means of procuring extraordinary sensations." (Lord Henry)
"Anything to do it too often becomes a pleasure. This is uno dei segreti più importanti della vita. Penso però che l'omicidio sia sempre un errore; non si dovrebbe fare nulla di cui non si possa parlare dopo pranzo." (Lord Henry)
"Quando un uomo tratta artisticamente la propria vita, il suo cervello è il suo cuore." (Lord Henry)
"Le cose delle quali ci sentiamo assolutamente sicuri non sono mai vere; questa è la fatalità della fede e la lezione del romanzo." (Lord Henry)
FINE . ;)